Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Entradas Não Lineares Autorregressivas Em Movimento Média Com Exógenas

Julho de 2016 E-LETTER E-LETTER em Processamento de Sistemas, Controle e Processamento de Sinal 034 julho 2016 Editor: Jianghai Hu Escola de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computadores Universidade de Purdue 465 Northwestern Ave. West Lafayette, IN, 47907 EUA Tel: 01 (765) 4962395 Fax: 01 (765) 4943371 Bem-vindo à edição 334 do Eletter, disponível eletronicamente em ieeecss. orgpublicationse-letterarchivecurrent juntamente com sua versão pdf Para enviar novos artigos, vá ao artigo Submissões no site da Eletter ieeecss. orge-letterarticle-submission Para se desinscrever, responda a este e-mail com a linha de assunto NÃO SE ESCUTA. E, como sempre, procure. Para navegar para o próximo item no Eletter. A próxima Eletter será enviada no início de agosto de 2016. 1. IEEE CSS Headlines 1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Publicações Content Digest 1.2 Transações IEEE no Controle Automático 1.3 Transações IEEE na Tecnologia de Sistemas de Controle 1.4 Sociedade de Sistemas de Controle IEEE Conferências Técnicas Co-patrocinadas 2. Escolas de Verão 2.1 Escola de Verão: Algoritmos Avançados para Previsão e Controle de Tráfego 2.2 Symposium amp Escola de Verão: Sistemas Inteligentes para Gerenciamento de Água 2.3 Escola de Verão: Escola Elgersburg na Teoria dos Sistemas Matemáticos 3. MISC 3.1 DIDO 7.5: MATLAB Optimal Control Toolbox 3.2 Siconos 4.0.0 : Software para Sistemas Dinâmicos Nonsmooth 3.3 Agenda Europeia de Pesquisa e Inovação sobre Sistemas de Sistemas Ciberfísicos 4. Revistas 4.1 Conteúdos: Automatica 4.2 Conteúdo: Revista Internacional de Controle 4.3 Conteúdo: Estudos Não-Lineares 4.4 Conteúdo: Matemática em Engenharia, Ciência e Aeroespacial 4.5 Conteúdo : Teoria de Controle e Tecnologia 4.6 Conteúdo: Matemática de Controle, Sinais e Sistemas 4.7 Conteúdos: Prática de Engenharia de Controle 4.8 Conteúdo: Revista Internacional de Matemática Aplicada e Ciência da Computação 4.9 Conteúdo: Matemática Aplicada e Computacional: Uma Revista Internacional 4.10 Conteúdo: Revista Asiática de Controle 4.11 Conteúdo: Procedimentos do Instituto de Matemática Aplicada 4.12 CFP: Revista Internacional de Robótica Inteligente e Aplicações 4.13 CFP: Transações IEEE em Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte 4.14 CFP: Revista Internacional de Controle, Automação e Sistemas 5. Conferências 5.1 Conferência Anual Allerton sobre Comunicação, Controle e Computação 5.2 Simpósio IFAC sobre Controle Não-Linear Sistemas 5.3 Simpósio internacional sobre sistemas robóticos autônomos distribuídos 5.4 Workshop ACM sobre sistemas ciberfísicos Confiança de amplificação de segurança 5.5 Congresso Mundial: Problemas Matemáticos em Engenharia, Aeroespacial e Ciências 5.6 Conferência Internacional de Controle, Automação e Sistemas 5.7 CFP: Desafios interdisciplinares para Autonom Sistemas 6. Posições 6.1 PhD: Universidade de Groningen, Países Baixos 6.2 Doutorado: Chalmers University of Technology, Suécia 6.3 Doutorado: Universidade Lehigh, EUA 6.4 Doutorado: Universidade de Oldenburg, Alemanha 6.5 Doutorado: Universidade de Rhode Island, EUA 6.6 Doutorado: Universidade De Idaho, EUA 6.7 Doutorado: Universidade das Forças Armadas, Alemanha 6.8 PostDoc: Universidade da Cidade do Cabo, África do Sul 6.9 PostDoc: Universidade de Ciência da Universidade de Huazhong, China 6.10 PostDoc: Universidade Estadual de Ohio, EUA 6.11 PostDoc: Texas AampM University at Qatar, Qatar 6.12 PostDoc: Virginia Tech, EUA 6.13 PostDoc: CReSTIC, França 6.14 PostDoc: Lehigh University, EUA 6.15 PostDoc: University of Oxford, Reino Unido 6.16 PostDoc: UT-Dallas, EUA 6.17 PostDoc: KTH, Suécia 6.18 PostDoc: Universitat Politecnica De Valência, Espanha 6.19 Faculdade: Programa de Sistemas Autônomos de Wallenberg, Suécia 6.20 Faculdade: Universidade de Groningen, Países Baixos 6.21 Faculdade: Universidade Norueguesa de Ciência e Tecnologia, Noruega 1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Publicações Conteúdo Digest Contribuído por: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2nd. edu CSS Publications Conteúdo Digest O IEEE Control Systems Society Publicações Content Digest é um guia inovador e conveniente que ajuda os leitores a acompanhar os últimos artigos publicados. O CSS Publications Content Digest, disponível em ieeecss. orgpublications-content-digest fornece listas de tabelas atuais dos periódicos patrocinados pela Sociedade de Sistemas de Controle. Cada questão oferece aos leitores meios rápidos para pesquisar e acessar os últimos artigos revisados ​​pelos pares da IEEE Control Systems Society. Também incluímos links para as Conferências patrocinadas pela Societyrsquos para oferecer aos leitores uma prévia das próximas reuniões. Conteúdo Transações do IEEE no Volume de Controle Automático 60 (2016), Edição 7 (Julho) Por favor, note que o conteúdo das Transações do IEEE no Controle Automático, juntamente com os links para os resumos dos trabalhos, podem ser encontrados no site da TAC: Nd. edu ieeetaccontents. html Transações de IEEE em submissão de controle automático e documentos de sistema de gerenciamento de revisões - Digitalizando o problema, p. 1709 - Um Algoritmo Linear Aleatório para Sincronização de Relógio em Sistemas Multi-Agentes, S. Bolognani, R. Carli, E. Lovisari, S. Zampieri p. 1711 - Uma nova noção de resistência efetiva para gráficos direcionados --- Parte I: Definição e Propriedades, G. F. Young, L. Scardovi, N. E. Leonard p. 1727 - Uma nova noção de resistência efetiva para gráficos direcionados --- Parte II: Resistências de computação, G. F. Young, L. Scardovi, N. E. Leonard p. 1737 - Esquemas de aproximação estocástica auto-ajustada para Otimização multi-usuário estocástica não-lipschitziana e Nash Games, F. Yousefian, A. Nedich, U. V. Shanbhag p. 1753 - Pontuação distribuída robusta: quando são possíveis as estratégias teóricas potenciais. A. Khanafer, T. Basar p. 1767 - Um Modelo Comum para Análise Aproximada de Sistemas de Colocação em Tandem com Bloqueio, L. Li, Y. Qian, Y. Yang, K. Du p. 1780 - Estimativa Óptima em Sistemas de Controle em Rede UDP-Like com Entradas Intermitentes: Análise de Estabilidade e Design de Filme Subóptimo, H. Lin, H. Su, Z. Shu, Z-G. Wu, Y. Xu p. 1794 - Identificação e Estabilização Simultânea de Sistemas de Tempo Discreto Não Linearmente Parametrados por Algoritmo de Quadrantes Menos Não Lineares, C. Li, Michael Z. Q. Chen p. 1810 - Fluxo Combinado e Controle de Forma Base à Distância de Formações Multi-Agentes, M. Deghat, B. D. O. Anderson, Z. Lin p. 1824 - Otimização da rede on-line usando o formulário do produto Processos de Markov, J. Sanders, S. C. Borst, J. S. H. van Leeuwaarden p. 1838 - Aprendendo um controlador não linear de dados: Teoria, Computação e Resultados Experimentais, L. Fagiano, C. Novara p. 1854 - Uma abordagem de equalização para a estabilização de feedback sobre os canais de desvanecimento, G. Gu p. 1869 - Multid-Averse Robust Mean-Field Games: Aproximação via Extensão do Espaço Estadual, D. Bauso, T. Mylvaganam, A. Astolfi p. 1882 Notas técnicas e correspondência - Equivalência do MIMO Círculo Critério para a Existência da Função Quadratic Lyapunov, M. Lipkovich, A. Fradkov p. 1895 - Análise de robustez distributiva para estruturas de incerteza não linear, C. Feng, C. M. Lagoa p. 1900 - Na Distinção de Entrada-Saída de Sistemas de Invariante de Tempo Linear Contínuo de Saída Única, K. M. D. Motchon, K. M. Pekpe, J. P. Cassar, S. De Bievre p. 1906 - Integrabilidade para sistemas de atraso temporário não linear, A. Kaldmaumle, C. Califano, C. H. Moog p. 1912 - Probabilidade de estabilidade do quadrado médio de H-infinito Controle de Sistemas Markovianos de Salto, J. Zhu, X. Yu, T. Zhang, Z. Cao, Y. Yang, Y. Yi p. 1918 - Design da regra de comutação para sistemas de comutação Affine com custo garantido e condição de equilíbrio incerta, G. d. A. Senger, A. Trofino p. 1925 - The Extended Conic Sector Theorem, L. J. Bridgeman, J. R. Forbes p. 1931 - Seguimento de Consenso Baseado em Decomposição Hierárquica para Sistemas Interconectados Incertaveis via Distributed Adaptive Output Feedback Control, W. Wang, C. Wen, J. Huang, Z. Li p. 1938 - Controle de desempenho prescrito de baixa complexidade de sistemas de linearização de feedback MIMO incertos, A. Theodorakopoulos, G. A. Rovithakis p. 1946 - Caracterização de conjuntos de marcação admissíveis em redes de Petri com transições incontroláveis, S. Wang, D. Você, M. Zhou, C. Seatzu p. 1953 - Um jogo diferencial não-zero de BSDE com gerador diferido no tempo e aplicações, J. Shi, G. Wang p. 1959 - Uma caracterização convexa de estabilidade robusta para sistemas lineares positivamente e positivamente dominados, M. Colombino, R. S. Smith p. 1965 - Filtragem Óptima para Sistemas Lineares de Tempo Discreto com Ruídos de Medição Multiplicativa Correlacionados no Tempo, W. Liu p. 1972 - Uma abordagem de funções de Lyapunov múltiplas de tipo integral para sistemas não lineares comutados, L. Long, J. Zhao p. 1979 - Condições de Estabilidade Necessárias para Sistemas de Atraso com Atrasos Múltiplos e Distribuídos, S. Mondieacute, C. Cuvas p. 1987 - Redução do modelo ao combinar a resposta do estado estável de geradores de sinal explícitos, G. Scarciotti, A. Astolfi p. 1995 - Projeto construtivo de controladores adaptativos para sistemas MIMO não-lineares com comutações arbitrárias, S. Dashkovskiy, S. Pavlichkov p. 2001 - Controle Óptico Quadratico Linear de Sistemas de LTI de Tempo Contínuo com Ganhos de Entrada Aleatória, W. Chen, Li. Qiu p. Transmissão de IEEE na Tecnologia de Sistemas de Controle Volume 24 (2016), Edição 4 (Julho) PAPÉIS REGULARES - Controle de Multimodo Q em Modo de Tacho AFM: Ativando Imagem em Módulos de Flexão Maiores, MG Ruppert e SOR Moheimani, página 1149 - Distribuído Modo deslizante Controle de pH em fotobiorreactores tubulares, GA de Andrade, DJ Pagano, JL Guzmaacuten, M. Berenguel, I. Fernaacutendez e FG Acieacuten, página 1160 - Estimativa de alcance e movimento de uma câmera monocular usando objetos estáticos e móveis, D. Chwa, AP Dani e WE Dixon, página 1174 - Detecção, isolação e identificação de falhas do sensor usando filtro de Kalman híbrido baseado em modelo múltiplo para motores de turbina a gás, B. Pourbabaee, N. Meskin e K. Khorasani, página 1184 - Controle de torque baseado em planalidade de máquinas síncronas de ímã permanente montadas em superfície saturada, D. Faustner, W. Kemmetmuumlller e A. Kugi, página 1201 - Estimativa do estado do UAV usando filtros complementares adaptativos, P. Marantos, Y. Koveos, E KJ Kyriakopoulos, página 1214 - Identificação do sistema e controle robusto dos sistemas de rolamentos magnéticos ativos de múltiplas entradas de entrada múltipla, A. Noshadi, J. Shi, WS Lee, P. Shi e A. Kalam, página 1227 - Controle da direção do reboque De um robô Tractor-Trailer, P. Ritzen, E. Roebroek, N. van de Wouw, Z.-P. Jiang e H. Nijmeijer, página 1240 - Melhoria da Margem de Estabilidade do Pelaco Veicular Considerando Topologia Não Direta e Controle assimétrico, Y. Zheng, S. E. Li, K. Li e L.-Y. Wang, página 1253 - Controle de Extremidade orientada Simplex com Detecção de Convergência para Melhorar o Desempenho Global, Y. Zhang, M. Rotea e N. Gans, página 1266 - Sincronização de Nodesrsch sem fio de Alta Potência de Alta Precisão via Controle Descentralizado, A. Leva F. Terraneo, L. Rinaldi, AV Papadopoulos e M. Maggio, página 1279 - Controle de cruzeiro adaptativo correto por construção: duas abordagens, P. Nilsson, O. Hussien, A. Balcãs, Y. Chen, AD Ames JW Grizzle, N. Ozay, H. Peng e P. Tabuada, página 1294 - Estudo de Otimização de Energia da Estação de Bombeamento de Abastecimento de Água Rural Deep Well Two-Stage, G. Zheng e Q. Huang, página 1308 - A Plug-and - Play Realização do Controle de Feedback Descentralizado para Sistemas de Iluminação Inteligente, S. Afshari e S. Mishra, página 1317 - Rastreamento Unificado e Regulação de Controle Unificado de Robôs Móveis Rodados, B. Li, Y. Fang, G. Hu e X. Zhang, página 1328 - Posicionamento dinâmico com controle preditivo modelo, A. Veksler, TA Johansen, F. Borrelli e B. Realfse N, página 1340 - Controle de compensação de fricção para direção elétrica, F. Wilhelm, T. Tamura, R. Fuchs e P. Muumlllhaupt, página 1354 - Avaliação adaptativa do estado do veículo baseada em EKF com avaliação on-line da observabilidade local, A. Katriniok e D. Abel, página 1368 - Lei de Controle de Feedforward de Estrutura Fixa para Sistemas de LTI SISO Mínimos e Não-Mínimos, MM Michaek, página 1382 - Controle Preditivo Modelo de Robôs Não-Eletrônicos Móveis Sem Restrições e Custos Estabilizáveis, K. Worthmann, MW Mehrez, M. Zanon, GKI Mann, RG Gosine e M. Diehl, página 1394 - Validação experimental de um controlador de batida estocástica baseado em verossimilhança, A. Thomasson, H. Shi, T. Lindell, L. Eriksson, T. Shen e JC Peyton Jones, página 1407 - Controle de pressão não linear para sistemas BBW através da compensação de Zona Morta e Antiwindup, F. Todeschini, S. Formentin, G. Panzani, M. Corno, SM Savaresi e L. Zaccarian, página 1419 - Controle de Rastreamento Para Manipulação Óptica Com Adaptação à Rigidez de Trapping, X. Li e CC Cheah, página 1432 - Controle Aerodinâmico Experimental de uma Seção de Ponte de Suspensão de Longo Alcance Usando Superfícies de Controle de Borda Direta e Trailing, K. Gouder, X. Zhao, DJN Limebeer e JMR Graham, página 1441 PAPÉIS BREVES - Controle de rastreamento de trajetória de tempo finito robusto adaptativo de veículos de superfície marinha totalmente atuados, N. Wang, C. Qian, J.-C. Sun e Y.-C. Liu, página 1454 - Um modelo computacionalmente eficiente, estratégia de controle preditivo para sistemas lineares com entradas inteiras, P. Karamanakos, T. Geyer e R. Kennel, página 1463 - Controle de sistemas de servo de transmissão de engrenagens com não-linearidade de Deadzone assimétrico, Z. Zuo, X. Ju e Z. Ding, página 1472 - Monitoramento de processo orientado por dados com base em projeções ortogonais modificadas para estruturas latentes, S. Yin, G. Wang e H. Gao, página 1480 - Controle colaborativo de sistemas multicêntricos em movimento diverso Padrões, H.-T. Zhang, Z. Chen e M.-C. Fan, página 1488 - Controle coordenado descentralizado robusto de um sistema de enrolamento de energia multimotor, H. Hou, X. Nian, H. Xiong, Z. Wang e Z. Peng, página 1495 - Controle de aprendizagem iterativa espacial via 2-D Convolução: Análise de Estabilidade e Eficiência Computacional, DJ Hoelzle e KL Barton, página 1504 - Desenho e teste humano-em-laço de modificadores de entrada de modificação reduzida, JJ Potter e WE Singhose, página 1513 - Controle e otimização de N-Port DC-DC Converters, A. Maina Ari, L. Li e O. Wasynczuk, página 1521 As próximas conferências foram recentemente incluídas na lista de eventos tecnicamente co-patrocinados pela IEEE Control Systems Society: - 21ª Conferência Internacional sobre Métodos e Modelos Em Automação e Robótica (MMAR 2016). Miedzyzdroje, Polônia. 29 de agosto - 1 de setembro de 2016. mmar. edu. pl - Workshop sobre Controle de Sistemas Governados por Equações Diferenciais Parciais (CPDE 16). Bertinoro, Itália. 13 de junho - 15 de junho de 2016. cpde2016.org - 6º Simpósio Internacional sobre Controle Avançado de Processos Industriais (AdCONIP 2017). Taipei, Taiwan. 28 de maio - 31 de maio de 2017. adconip2017.org - 16ª Conferência Internacional de Controle, Automação e Sistemas (ICCAS 2016). Gyeongju, Coréia do Sul. 16 de outubro - 19 de outubro de 2016. 2016.iccas. org Para uma listagem completa de conferências tecnicamente co-patrocinadas da CSS, visite ieeecss. orgconferences, com certificação técnica e para uma lista das próximas conferências principais do CSS, visite ieeecss. orgconferences 2.1. Escola de Verão: Algoritmos Avançados para Previsão e Controle de Tráfego Contribuído por: Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU, antoneta. bratcugipsa-lab. fr Escola de Verão sobre quot algoritmos avançados para previsão e controle de tráfego Localização e Data: Grenoble (França) - 12 a 16 de setembro de 2016 Organizadores : Carlos CANUDAS DE WIT (GIPSA-Lab - Grenoble) Website: gipsa-lab. frsummerschoolauto2016 Esta Escola de Verão visa apresentar as principais ferramentas matemáticas que permitem a modelagem, previsão e controle do trânsito, começando pelos clássicos aos mais avançados, Incluindo roteamento ideal e ITS cooperativo. A escola consistirá em uma série de pesquisas, palestras e pesquisas ensinadas em inglês, completadas por um dia inteiro dedicado a apresentações industriais e demonstrações de ferramentas operacionais, entre as quais o Grenoble Traffic Lab (GTL). A Escola de Verão destina-se principalmente a estudantes de doutorado, pesquisadores e especialistas em controle e engenharia de tráfego, e matemática aplicada, enquanto isso estão abertos a participantes industriais. Oradores: - Carlos Canudas-de-Wit (CNRS-GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, França) - Roberto Horowitz (Universidade da Califórnia em Berkeley, EUA) - Alain Kibangou (GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, França) - Lyudmila Mihaylova (Universidade de Sheffield, Reino Unido) - Markos Papageorgiou (Universidade de Creta, Grécia) - Samitha SAMARANAYAKE (Universidade de Cornell, EUA) - Martin Treiber (Technische Universitaumlt Dresden, Alemanha) - Henk Wymeersh (Universidade de Tecnologia de Chalmers, Suécia) Oradores da indústria: - Thomas BAUDEL (IBM, Paris, França) - Denis JACQUET (Karrus, Grenoble, França) - Joan ROCA, Aurore REMY (Aimsun, Paris, França) Os encaminhamentos antecipados são encorajados. O número de participantes é limitado a 50. A data limite de inscrição é 10 de julho de 2016. Para mais informações, entre em contato com Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU (antoneta. bratcugipsa-lab. fr) Simpósio e Escola de Verão sobre Sistemas Inteligentes para Gestão de Água Modelagem, Simulação, Análise e TIC para a Mudança Comportamental Monte Veritagrave, Ascona, Suíça - 2225 agosto 2016 A mudança na variabilidade climática e as condições, o aumento da população mundial e a concentração dessa população mundial nas áreas urbanas estão aumentando o estresse imposto aos recursos hídricos. Até 2030 haverá 41 megacidades em todo o mundo, o que aumentará a demanda doméstica de água, colocando grandes desafios para o abastecimento de água. Por exemplo, em Londres até 2020, espera-se um déficit de 133 milhões de litros por dia, se nada for feito no lado da administração em relação às práticas atuais. Este Simpósio e Escola de Verão tem como objetivo explorar a perspectiva da gestão urbana da demanda de água para os próximos anos. Vários temas serão abordados, com especial atenção na modelagem e compreensão do comportamento dos consumidores de água, os impulsionadores de tais comportamentos, o papel das normas sociais, alavancas econômicas e estratégias de gerenciamento da demanda de água para promover mudanças comportamentais e o papel de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação para apoiar o projeto, implementação e entregar soluções inteligentes para o gerenciamento da demanda de água urbana. Para obter mais informações e inscrição, entre em contato com Andrea E. Rizzoli (andreaidsia. ch) e visite smarth2o. chsmartwater Summer School: 9º Elgersburg School on Mathematical Systems Theory 9º Elgersburg School on Mathematical Systems Theory quotControl Teoria de Digital Networked Dynamical Systemsquot e quotOptimal Control Techniquesquot Localização e Data: Elgersburg, Thuringia (Alemanha), 26 de março - 1º de abril de 2017 Convite: os organizadores têm o prazer de anunciar a 9ª Escola Elgersburg. Os temas e palestrantes são: quotControl Teoria dos sistemas dinâmicos Digital Networked. Professor Jan Lunze Universitaumlt Bochum, Alemanha ei. rub. defakultaetprofessurenlunze quotOptimal Control Techniquesquot Professor Matthias Gerdts Universitaumlt der Bundeswehr Muumlnchen, Alemanha unibw. delrt1gerdtsmitarbeiterprof.-gerdts Todos os participantes participarão de ambos os cursos. A cada dia, haverá 90 minutos de palestra em ambos os cursos. Todas as manhãs, folhas de exemplo a serem trabalhadas pela tarde e aulas de exemplo à noite. Veja o site para o programa completo. Registro A escola é dirigida a estudantes de pós-graduação e pós-cadastro em controle, seja em matemática ou engenharia, também são bem-vindos estudantes de pós-graduação muito bons. Agradeceria se você pudesse transmitir essas informações a possíveis candidatos. A localização tem capacidade para 40 participantes. Os registros antecipados são encorajados. O custo para o hotel, incluindo pensão completa por pessoa, é de: 510 euros, - para um único e 410 euros, - para um quarto duplo. Devido ao número limitado de lugares, haverá um procedimento de candidatura para a participação na escola. Os candidatos são convidados a fornecer seu CV e uma carta de referência de seu supervisor. O prazo para candidaturas é 30 de novembro de 2016. Os organizadores classificará as aplicações de acordo com a excelência e adequação. Uma lista de todos os participantes estará disponível no site até 15 de janeiro de 2017. Além disso, há bolsas para suporte de viagem, acomodação e subsistência para 10 participantes. Para mais informações, consulte o site ou envie um email para um dos organizadores. 3.1. DIDO 7.5: MATLAB Optimal Control Toolbox Contribuído por: Matt Wercenski, mattelissarglobal DIDO - MATLAB Optimal Control Toolbox, 7.5 lançado. DIDO resolve problemas de controle genéricos não-lineares genéricos: - Dinâmicas não-lineares - Restrições de controle não-linear - Restrições de caminho não-linear - Funções de custo não linear Um adivinatório não é necessário para iniciar a solução. O DIDO é livre de adivinhação no entanto, se um adivinho for fornecido pelo usuário, o DIDO irá usá-lo. O DIDO fornece automaticamente as trajetórias hamiltoniana e costate para a análise da otimização da solução candidata. O DIDO pode fornecer soluções dentro de alguns segundos (para problemas simples) dentro de alguns minutos (para problemas mais avançados). A caixa de ferramentas de controle ideal DIDO 7.5 inclui o DIDO Doctor Toolkit, uma ferramenta de diagnóstico para verificar a formulação do problema. Descontos acadêmicos estão disponíveis. Confira elissarglobal. A versão gratuita do DIDO está disponível como DIDOLite de elissarglobalacademicget-didotry-dido. Para mais informações sobre o DIDO e soluções de controle ótimas, visite ElissarGlobal. Um novo Siconos 4.0.0 está ausente. O Siconos agora está distribuído sob a licença Apache 2.0. O que é o Siconos Siconos é um software científico de código aberto direcionado principalmente para modelagem, controle, simulação de sistemas dinâmicos não lisos em sistemas C e Python: controle deslizante. Sistemas mecânicos (rígidos ou sólidos) com contato unilateral e fricção e impacto Coulomb (mecânica não lisa, dinâmica de contato, dinâmica de sistemas de múltiplos corpos ou materiais granulares). Circuito elétrico comutado, como circuitos elétricos com componentes lineares ideais e por partes: conversor de energia, retificador, loop de bloqueio de fase (PLL) ou conversor analógico-digital. Biologia (rede reguladora de genes). Outras aplicações são encontradas em Sistemas e Controle (sistemas híbridos, inclusões diferenciais, controle ótimo com restrições de estado), Otimização (Sistemas de Complementaridade e Desigualdades Variacionais), Mecânica de Fluidos e Computação Gráfica. O código fonte (zip e tar. gz) pode ser encontrado no github. Githubsiconossiconosreleases Estamos trabalhando no release candidate 4.1.0 que pode ser bifurcado em nosso ramo mestre de repositório github. Os pacotes binários para linux estão em breve. Também melhoramos nossa documentação no siconos. gforge. inria. fr, mesmo que ainda não tenha um pouco de polonês. Como de costume, seus comentários são bem-vindos. Nós também começamos a alimentar o nosso canal do YouTube, youtubechannelUCg2siTCJeSdWFPTDk71Iyw Então, se você tiver alguma boa aplicação feita com o Siconos, não hesite em contribuir. Estamos interessados ​​em exibir a Siconos no trabalho Vincent A. para a equipe Siconos, a Programação Européia de Pesquisa e Inovação sobre sistemas cibercíficos de sistemas (CPSoS) disponíveis Sistemas de sistemas cibercéticos (CPSoS) são grandes sistemas complexos onde os elementos físicos interagem com e São controlados por uma grande quantidade de elementos informáticos distribuídos e em rede e usuários humanos. Exemplos são os sistemas ferroviários, o tráfego aéreo, o futuro tráfego rodoviário, as redes logísticas, a rede elétrica, os locais de produção industrial e os edifícios inteligentes. Esses sistemas estão sujeitos a exigências cada vez mais rigorosas sobre a redução de emissões, o uso eficiente de recursos, o alto nível de serviço e qualidade dos produtos e baixo custo e competitividade no mercado mundial. A ação de apoio europeu CPSoS (Rumo a um roteiro europeu sobre pesquisa e inovação em engenharia e gerenciamento de sistemas de sistemas ciberfísicos), cpsos. eu. Lançou um quotProposto de uma Agenda Europeia de Investigação e Inovação sobre sistemas de sistemas cibernéticos - 2016-2025quot que descreve desafios de pesquisa e inovação e prioridades de pesquisa e inovação de médio prazo para a engenharia e gestão de sistemas cibercafricos de sistemas que foram Identificado pelo consórcio do projeto em cooperação com mais de 100 especialistas externos industriais e acadêmicos. O projeto CPSoS identificou três principais desafios de pesquisa de longo prazo que devem ser abordados de forma interdisciplinar e em colaboração com fornecedores de ferramentas e soluções, usuários finais e instituições de pesquisa: - Gerenciamento distribuído, confiável e eficiente de ciberfísica Sistemas de sistemas - Suporte de engenharia para o contínuo de projeto-operação de sistemas de sistemas cibercafricos - Rumo a sistemas ciberc físicos cognitivos de sistemas Além disso, o projeto definiu 11 prioridades de pesquisa e inovação de médio prazo que devem receber atenção e financiamento em Nos próximos 5 anos para avançar para enfrentar os principais desafios: - Integração e reconfiguração do sistema - Resiliência em sistemas grandes - Otimização robusta do sistema distribuído - Operação do sistema baseada em dados - Manutenção preditiva para gerenciamento aprimorado de ativos - Superando o gargalo da modelagem - Humanos em The Loop - Integração de controle, agendamento, planejamento e resposta do lado da demanda em Pr industrial Sistemas de oção - Novas infra-estruturas de TIC para processos de fabricação adaptáveis, resistentes e reconfiguraveis - Otimização multidisciplinar e multi-objetivo de operações em sistemas complexos, dinâmicos e 247 - Operações autônomas seguras, seguras e confiáveis ​​em transporte e logística. Fornecer um contexto prático para Os principais desafios e as prioridades a médio prazo, a agenda resume o estado atual em uma variedade de setores tecnológicos nos quais os sistemas cibercafricos de sistemas desempenham um papel fundamental, incluindo o transporte (automotivo, ferroviário, aeroespacial, marítimo), a logística, o processo E indústrias de manufatura, setor de energia e edifícios inteligentes. Para todos esses setores, as necessidades atuais e os principais desafios são descritos e relacionados à engenharia e gerenciamento de CPSoS. Baixe a proposta de agenda de pesquisa e inovação aqui: cpsos. euroadmap. 4.1. Conteúdo: Automatica Contribuído por: Elisa Capello, automaticapolito. it - ​​Muhammad Saeed Aslam, método de identificação de mínimos quadrados de máxima probabilidade para sistemas ativos de controle de ruído com média média móvel média autorregrada, páginas 1-11. - Michael Herty, Wen-An Yong, quotFeedback controle de limites de sistemas hiperbólicos lineares com relaxamento, páginas 12-17. - Yu Pan, Guofeng Zhang, Matthew R. James, análise e controle de sistemas de níveis finitos de quantum conduzidos por estados de entrada de um único fotão, páginas 18-23. - Qiang Jiao, Hamidreza Modares, Shengyuan Xu, Frank L. Lewis, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, quotMulti-agente de jogos de gráficos diferenciais de soma zero para rejeição de distúrbio em controle distribuído, páginas 24-34. - Zhongjing Ma, Suli Zou, Long Ran, Xingyu Shi, Ian A. Hiskens, com uma coordenação descentralizada eficiente do carregamento de veículos elétricos em grande escala, páginas 35-47. - Jianglin Lan, Ron J. Patton, uma nova estratégia para a integração da estimativa de falhas no controle de tolerância a falhas, páginas 48-59. - Qing-Wen Wang, Abdur Rehman, Zhuo-Heng He, Yang Zhang, quotConstraint equações de matriz de Sylvester generalizadas, páginas 60-64. - Kaushik Mahata, Johan Schoukens, Alexander De Cock, matriz de informação e design D-optimal com entradas gaussianas para a identificação do modelo Wiener, páginas 65-77. - Yue-E Wang, Xi-Ming Sun, Mazenc Frecutedeacuteric, quotestabilidade de sistemas não-lineares com atraso e perturbação, páginas 78-86. - Ele Cai, Jie Huang, o consenso de atitude do líder de múltiplos sistemas de corpo rígido por controle de feedback de atitude, páginas 87-92. - Paolo Bolzern, Patrizio Colaneri, Giuseppe De Nicolao, design de estratégias estabilizadoras para sistemas lineares de comutação discreta de tempo duplo, páginas 93-100. - Julian Barreiro-Gomez, Nicanor Quijano, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, otimização distribuída contida: abordagem de dinâmica populacional, páginas 101-116. - Christian Conte, Colin N. Jones, Manfred Morari, Melanie N. Zeilinger, síntese distribuída e estabilidade do controle preditivo do modelo distribuído cooperativo para sistemas lineares, páginas 117-125. - Joseph K. Scott, Davide M. Raimondo, Giuseppe Roberto Marseglia, Richard D. Braatz, zonotopes contrastados: uma nova ferramenta para estimativa baseada em conjuntos e detecção de falhas, páginas 126-136. - Gianluigi Pillonetto, Tianshi Chen, Alessandro Chiuso, Giuseppe De Nicolao, Lennart Ljung, quotRegularizado identificação do sistema linear usando normas atômicas, nucleares e baseadas no núcleo: o papel da restrição de estabilidade, páginas 137-149. - Shaunak D. Bopardikar, Ceacutedric Langbort, quotOn cálculo incremental aproximado do ponto de sela em jogos de matriz de soma zero, páginas 150-156. - Masashi Wakaiki, Yutaka Yamamoto, análise de quitação de sistemas de comutação de dados amostrados com quantizationquot, páginas 157-168. - Masaki Ogura, Victor M. Preciado, Quotabilidade dos sistemas lineares comutados regenerativos Markov, páginas 169-175. - Siyu Lv, Zhen Wu, Zhiyong Yu, seleção de portfólio de variância média de tempo contínuo com horizonte aleatório em um mercado incompleto, páginas 176-180. - Mehdi Abedinpour Fallah, Roland P. Malhameacute, Francesco Martinelli, quotA classe de jogos induzidos por interferência: equilíbrio asintótico de Nash e soluções parametrizadas - cooperativas, páginas 181-194. - Espen Oland, Tom Stian Andersen, Raymond Kristiansen, quotA arquitetura de subsidio aplicada ao controle de vôo usando rotações composta, páginas 195-200. - Dror Freirich, Emilia Fridman, quotDecentralizado controle em rede de sistemas com redes locais: uma abordagem de atraso de tempo, páginas 201-209. - Zbigniew Bartosiewicz, critérios algébricas de observabilidade global dos sistemas polinomiais, páginas 210-213. - Wuquan Li, Lu Liu, Gang Feng, rastreamento de contenção distribuído de múltiplos sistemas estocásticos não-lineares, páginas 214-221. - Kun Liu, Emilia Fridman, Karl Henrik Johansson, Yuanqing Xia, desigualdades Jensen generalizadas com aplicação à análise de estabilidade de sistemas com atrasos distribuídos - em horizontes de tempo infinitos, páginas 222-231. - Ziyang Meng, Brian D. O. Anderson, Sandra Hirche, quotFormation control com compassos incompatíveis, páginas 232-241. - Dapeng Yang, Wei Ren, Xiangdong Liu, Weisheng Chen, o consenso desencadeado por evento desencadeado para sistemas multi-agentes lineares sob grafos direcionados em geral, páginas 242-249. - Alexander Scheinker, David Scheinker, pesquisado com extremum nascido com ditersquot descontínuo, páginas 250-257. - Santosh Devasia, controle de aprendizagem qualitativo com atualização particionada no tempo para rastreamento de resultados colaborativo, páginas 258-264. - Michael Ouimet, Jorge Corteacutes, com o encontro coordenado de drifters de atuação de profundidade em ondas oceânicas internas, páginas 265-274. - Dawei Shi, Tongwen Chen, Mohamed Darouach, estimativa do estado baseado em EE de sistemas dinâmicos lineares com entradas exógenas desconhecidas, páginas 275-288. - Youcheng Lou, Yiguang Hong, Shouyang Wang, protocolos de projeção aproximados de tempo contínuo distribuídos para problemas de otimização de distância mais curtos, páginas 289-297. - Jian Wu, Weisheng Chen, Jing Li, quotGlobal finite-time adaptive stabilization for nonlinear systems with multiple unknown control directionsquot, pages 298-307. - Shyam Kamal, Jaime A. Moreno, Asif Chalanga, Bijnan Bandyopadhyay, Leonid M. Fridman, quotContinuous terminal sliding-mode controllerquot, pages 308-314. - Edoardo Serpelloni, Manfredi Maggiore, Christopher Damaren, quotBang-bang hybrid stabilization of perturbed double-integratorsquot, pages 315-323. - Hendra I. Nurdin, Symeon Grivopoulos, Ian R. Petersen, quotThe transfer function of generic linear quantum stochastic systems has a pure cascade realizationquot, pages 324-333. - Shiyu Zhao, Daniel Zelazo, quotLocalizability and distributed protocols for bearing-based network localization in arbitrary dimensionsquot, pages 334-341. - Johannes Philippus Maree, Lars Imsland, quotCombined economic and regulatory predictive controlquot, pages 342-347. - Peter H. Heins, Bryn Ll. Jones, Ati S. Sharma, quotPassivity-based output-feedback control of turbulent channel flowquot, pages 348-355. - Choon Ki Ahn, Ligang Wu, Peng Shi, quotStochastic stability analysis for 2-D Roesser systems with multiplicative noisequot, pages 356-363. - Jacob Engwerda, quotProperties of feedback Nash equilibria in scalar LQ differential gamesquot, pages 364-374. - Xiang Yin, Zhaojian Li, quotDecentralized fault prognosis of discrete event systems with guaranteed performance boundquot, pages 375-379. - Allan De Freitas, Lyudmila Mihaylova, Amadou Gning, Donka Angelova, Visakan Kadirkamanathan, quotAutonomous crowds tracking with box particle filtering and convolution particle filteringquot, pages 380-394. - Jiangshuai Huang, Changyun Wen, Wei Wang, Yong-Duan Song, quotDesign of adaptive finite-time controllers for nonlinear uncertain systems based on given transient specificationsquot, pages 395-404. - Lin Wang, Guanrong Chen, Xiaofan Wang, Wallace K. S. Tang, quotControllability of networked MIMO systemsquot, pages 405-409. - Ming-Feng Ge, Zhi-Hong Guan, Bin Hu, Ding-Xin He, Rui-Quan Liao, quotDistributed controller-estimator for target tracking of networked robotic systems under sampled interactionquot, pages 410-417. - Stability analysis of a general family of nonlinear positive discrete time-delay systems, P. T. Nam, V. N. Phat, P. N. Pathirana amp H. Trinh, pages 1303-1315 - Consideration of plant behaviour in optimal servo-compensator design, W. H. Moase amp C. Manzie, pages 1316-1331 - Finite-time state feedback stabilisation of stochastic high-order nonlinear feedforward systems, Xue-Jun Xie, Xing-Hui Zhang amp Kemei Zhang, pages 1332-1341 - Visual servo walking control for humanoids with finite-time convergence and smooth robot velocities, Josafat Delfin, Hector M. Becerra amp Gustavo Arechavaleta, pages 1342-1358 - Arbitrary pole placement with the extended Kautsky-Nichols-van Dooren parametric form, Robert Schmid, Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis amp Thang Nguyen, pages 1359-1366 - Robust mean field games for coupled Markov jump linear systems, Jun Moon amp Tamer Basar, pages 1367-1381 - Hermite approximation of a hyperbolic Fokker-Planck optimality system to control a piecewise-deterministic process, Masoumeh Mohammadi amp Alfio Borzigrave, pages 1382-1395 - SDP-based approximation of stabilising solutions for periodic matrix Riccati differential equations, Sergei V. Gusev, Anton S. Shiriaev amp Leonid B. Freidovich, pages 1396-1405 - Global asymptotic stabilisation in probability of nonlinear stochastic systems via passivity, Patrick Florchinger, pages 1406-1415 - Integral-based event triggering controller design for stochastic LTI systems via convex optimisation, S. H. Mousavi amp H. J. Marquez, pages 1416-1427 - Adaptive neural control for an uncertain robotic manipulator with joint space constraints, Zhong-Liang Tang, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Keng Peng Tee amp Wei He, pages 1428-1446 - Truncated adaptation design for decentralised neural dynamic surface control of interconnected nonlinear systems under input saturation, Shigen Gao, Hairong Dong, Shihang Lyu amp Bin Ning, pages 1447-1466 - Smart procurement of naturally generated energy (SPONGE) for PHEVs, Yingqi Gu, Florian Haumlusler, Wynita Griggs, Emanuele Crisostomi amp Robert Shorten, pages 1467-1480 - On the computation of the fundamental subspaces for descriptor systems, Christina Kazantzidou amp Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis, pages 1481-1494 - Ensemble control of linear systems with parameter uncertainties, Kit Ian Kou, Yang Liu, Dandan Zhang amp Yanshuai Tu, pages 1495-1508 - Null controllable region of delta operator systems subject to actuator saturation, Hongjiu Yang, Ce Yan, Yuanqing Xia amp Jinhui Zhang, pages 1509-1521 Table of Contents Articles - Global asymptotic stability of nonlinear neutral differential equations with variable delays, Abdelouaheb Ardjouni, Ahcene Djoudi, 157-166 - Stability and bifurcation analysis of an eco-epidemiological model with multiple delays, Kakali Ghosh, Sudip Samanta, Santanu Biswas, Sourav Rana, Ibrahim M. ELmojtaba, Dipak Kumar Kesh, Joydev Chattopadhyay, 167-208 - Existence of mild solution for fractional nonlocal neutral impulsive integro-differential equations with state - dependent delay, R Poongodi, R Murugesu, 209-223 - On q-analogues of Mangontarum transform of some polynomials and certain class of H-functions, S. K.Q. Al-Omari, 225-236 - Growth of Solutions of Complex Differential Equations With Coefficients Being Lacunary Series of Finite Iterated Order, Amina Ferraoun, Benharrat Belaidi, 237-252 - Existence of Weak Solutions for a Class of Parabolic Problems in Weighted Sobolev Space, Khaled Ben Ali, Abdeljabbar Ghanmi, 253-261 - Ball convergence for a novel sixth order iterative method under hypothesis only on the first derivative, Santhosh George, Ioannis K Argyros, 263-271 - Approximate Controllability of Random Impulsive Semilinear Control systems, S Vijay, C Loganathan, A Vinodkumar, 273-280 - Dini Lipschitz Functions for the Jacobi-Dunkl Transform in the Space L2, R Daher, S. El Ouadih, 281-290 - On reliability analysis of a multi-state (k1)-out-of-n:F system with partial failure, Nupur Goyal, Shubham Amoli, Alok Suyal, Mangey Ram, 291-304 - Asymptotically almost automorphic functions of order n and applications to dynamic equations on time scales, Gaston M. NrsquoGuacuteeracuteekata, Aril M ilcacutee, Jean-Claude Mado, 305-322 - Approximate Controllability of Second Order Semilinear Control Systems with Bounded Delay, Mohit Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, 323-331 - On the solutions of Pettis partial Hadamard-Stieltjes fractional integral equations, Saumld Abbas, Wafaa Albarakati, Mouffak Benchohra, Seenith Sivasundaram, 333-344 Table of Contents Articles - Preface: Special issue dedicated to honoring the memory of Professor Dr. A. V. Balakrishnan, Anthony N. Michel, Stefan Balint, Seenith Sivasundaram, 219-222 - Guidance, navigation and control of information satellites: Methods for modeling, synthesis and nonlinear analysis, Yevgeny Somov, 223-248 - Asymptotic and spectral analysis and control problems for mathematical model of piezoelectric energy harvester, Marianna A. Shubov, Victor I. Shubov, 249-268 - Control of composite distributed parameter systems with actuator dynamics, John A. Burns, 269-288 - Threshold network dynamic systems and applications, G. S. Ladde, 289-313 - Stability analysis of some equilibria in a time-delay model for cell dynamics in leukemia including the action of the immune system, D. Ccircandea, A. Halanay, I. R. Radulescu, 315-339 - Laplace transform method for sequential Caputo fractional differential equations, Aghalaya S. Vatsala, Bhuvaneswari Sambandham, 341-349 - Differential equations-retardation, anticipation and synchronized anticipation-A survey, J. Vasundhara Devi, Z. Drici, F. A. Mc Rae, 351-376 - On the kernels of Wiener-Hopf-Hankel operators on variable exponent Lebesgue spaces, L. P. Castro, A. S. Silva, 377-388 - Analysis amp validation of exact solutions to Navier-Stokes equation in connection with quantum fluid dynamics, U. S. Vevek, Hamidreza Namazi, R. Haghighi, Vladimir V. Kulish, 389-417 - Numerical analysis of blowing jets flows on Coanda surface to increase lift of wing or generated power of wind turbine, Alexandru Dumitrache, Florin Frunzulica, 419-440 Table of Contents Control Theory and Technology (The original title: Journal of Control Theory and Applications) ISSN: 2095-6983 CODEN: CTTOAM Vol. 14, No. 2, May 2016 - Robot impedance control and passivity analysis with inner torque and velocity feedback loops, M. Focchi, G. A. MedranoCerda, T. Boaventura, M. Frigerio, C. Semini, J. Buchli, D. G. Caldwell P.97 - Adaptive control for an uncertain robotic manipulator with input saturations, T. T. Tran, S. S. Ge, W. He P. 113 - Convergence, stability and robustness analysis of the OFEX controller for high-speed networks, J. Liu, O. W. W. Yang P. 122 - Lyapunov stability and generalized invariance principle for nonconvex differential inclusions, S. Liang, X. Zeng, Y. Hong P. 140 - A necessary and sufficient stabilization condition for discrete time-varying stochastic systems with multiplicative noise, R. Gao, X. Liu, H. Zhang P. 151 - Fault detection for nonlinear discrete-time systems via deterministic learning, J. Hu, C. Wang, X. Dong P. 159 - Erratum to: Engineering cybernetics: 60 years in the making, Z. Gao P. 176 Table of Contents - A Fibonacci control system with application to hyper-redundant manipulators, Anna Chiara Lai, Paola Loreti, 32 pages - Accessibility of bilinear networks of systems: control by interconnections, Gunther Dirr, Uwe Helmke, Frederike Ruumlppel, 25 pages - On data dependence of stability domains, exponential stability and stability radii for implicit linear dynamic equations, Nguyen Thu Ha, Nguyen Huu Du, Do Duc Thuan, 28 pages - Approximation of the controls for the linear beam equation, Sorin Micu, Ionel Rovena, 53 pages - Counting critical formations on the circle: algebraic-geometric and Morse-theoretic bounds, Christian Lageman, Uwe Helmke, 29 pages - On the lack of controllability of fractional in time ODE and PDE, Qi Luuml, Enrique Zuazua, 21 pages Control Engineering Practice Volume 52 July 2016 - Vasiliki Koropouli, Azwirman Gusrialdi, Sandra Hirche, Dongheui Lee, An extremum-seeking control approach for constrained robotic motion tasks, Pages 1-14 - Alessandro Vittorio Papadopoulos, Cristian Klein, Martina Maggio, Jonas Duu mlrango, Manfred Dellkrantz, Francisco Hernaacutendez-Rodriguez, Erik Elmroth, Karl-Erik Aringrzeacuten, Control-based load-balancing techniques: Analysis and performance evaluation via a randomized optimization approach, Pages 24-34 - Zhongyang Han, Jun Zhao, Wei Wang, Ying Liu, A two-stage method for predicting and scheduling energy in an oxygennitrogen system of the steel industry, Pages 35-45 - Zhentong Liu, Qadeer Ahmed, Jiyu Zhang, Giorgio Rizzoni, Hongwen He, Structural analysis based sensors fault detection and isolation of cylindrical lithium-ion batteries in automotive applications, Pages 46-58 - Cassio Luciano Baratieri, Humberto Pinheiro, New variable gain super-twisting sliding mode observer for sensorless vector control of nonsinusoidal back-EMF PMSM, Pages 59-69 - Hasan Arshad Nasir, Erik Weyer, System identification of the upper part of Murray River, Pages 70-92 - Vishal Mahindrakar, Juergen Hahn, Model predictive control of reactive distillation for benzene hydrogenation, Pa ges 103-113 - Mohammed Obaid Mustafa, Damiano Varagnolo, George Nikolakopoulos, Thomas Gustafsson, Detecting broken rotor bars in induction motors with model-based support vector classifiers, Pages 15-23 - Qiu Qin, N. Eva Wu, A multiple model filtering approach to transmission line fault diagnosis, Pages 93-102 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS) 2016, Volume 26, Number 2 (June) Regular issue - Babiarz A. Klamka J. and Niezabitowski M. Schauderrsquos fixed-point theorem in approximate controllability problems 263 - Kaczorek T. Reduced-order fractional descriptor observers for a class of fractional descriptor continuous-time nonlinear systems 277 - Zhou L. She J. Li C. and Pan C. Robust aperiodic-disturbance rejection in an uncertain modified repetitive control system 285 - Klauo M. Blaek S. and Kvasnica M. An optimal path planning problem for heterogeneous multi-vehicle systems 297 - Garciacutea-Rodriacuteguez R. Segovia-Palacios V. Parra-Vega V. and Villalva-Lucio M. Dynamic optimal grasping of a circular objectwith gravity using robotic soft-fingertips 309 - Owczarkowski A. and Horla D. Robust LQR and LQI control with actuator failure of a 2DOF unmanned bicycle robot stabilized by an inertial wheel 325 - Saldivar B. Mondieacute S. and Aacutevila Vilchis J. C. The control of drilling vibrations: A coupled PDE-ODE modeling approach 335 - Dbski R. An adaptive multi-spline refinement algorithm in simulation based sailboat trajectory optimization using onboard multi-core computer systems 351 - Dudin A. Lee M. H. and Dudin S. Optimization of the service strategy in a queueing system with energy harvesting and customersrsquo impatience 367 - Atencia I. A discrete-time queueing system with changes in the vacation times 379 - Lopez-Loces M. C. Musial J. Pecero J. E. Fraire-Huacuja H. J. Blazewicz J. and Bouvry P. Exact and heuristic approaches to solve the Internet shopping optimization problem with delivery costs 391 - Kurama O. Luukka P. and Collan M. An n-ary lambda-averaging based similarity classifier 407 - Van T. T. and Le T. M. Content-based image retrieval using a signature graph and a self-organizing map 423 - Tabedzki M. Saeed K. and Szczepaski A. A modified K3M thinning algorithm 439 - Pujol F. A. Mora H. and Girona-Selva J. A. A connectionist computational method for face recognition 451 - Siwek K. and Osowski S. Data mining methods for prediction of air pollution 467 - Kobusiska A. Brzeziski J. Boro M. Inatlewski . Jabczyski M. and Maciejewski M. A branch hash function as a method of message synchronization in anonymous P2P conversations 479 - Singh P. K. Aswani Kumar C. and Gani A. A comprehensive survey on formal concept analysis, its research trends and applications 495 Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal Vol.15, No.2, June 2016 acmij. az CONTENTS - K. Jbilou, A Survey of Krylov-Based Methods for Model Reduction in Large-Scale MIMO Dynamical Systems pages: 117-148 - L. Zhang, B. Ahmad, G. Wang, Existence and Approximation of Positive Solutions for Nonlinear Fractional Integro-Differential Boundary Value Problems on an Unbounded Domain pages: 149-158 - Y. Huang, Z. Liu, R. Wang, Quasilinearization for Higher Order Impulsive Fractional Differential Equations pages: 159-171 - S. D. Akbarov, M. I. Ismailov, Frequency Response of a Pre-Stressed Metal Elastic Plate Under Compressible Viscous Fluid Loading pages: 172-188 - C. Tunc, On the Existence of Periodic Solutions of Functional Differential Equations of the Third Order pages: 189-199 - M. Moradipour, S. A. Yousefi, Using Two Collocation Methods to Solve the Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation of American Options pages: 200-211 - M. Alipour, D. Baleanu, K. Karimi, Spectral Method Based on Bernstein Polynomials for Coupled System of Fredholm Integral Equations pages: 212-219 - F. Hui, T. E. Simos, Four Stages Symmetric Two-Step P-Stable Method with Vanished Phase-Lag and its First, Second, Third and Fourth Derivatives pages: 220-238 - F. Nuriyeva, On a Generalized Sequential Partially Covering Problem pages: 239-242 Asian Journal of Control Vol.18, No.3 May, 2016 CONTENTS 1. Paper Title: Stabilization and Control of Delayed Recycling High Order Systems with one Unstable Pole at the Direct Pat Authors: Juan Francisco Marquez-Rubio, Rocio Jasmin Vazquez-Guerra, Basilio del Muro-Cuellar and Olivier Sename 2. Paper Title: Control of Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems Using Feedback Linearisation Authors: Soma Tayamon and Torbjorn Wigren 3. Paper Title: Hinfin Control with Transients for Singular Systems Authors: Zhiguang Feng, James Lam, Shengyuan Xu and Shaosheng Zhou 4. Paper Title: The Mixed Robust HinfinFTS Control Problem Analysis and State Feedback Control Authors: Francesco Amato, Carlo Cosentino and Gianmaria De Tommasi, Alfredo Pironti 5. Paper Title: A New Algori thm to Design Minimal Multi-Functional Observers for Linear Systems Authors: Reza Mohajerpoor, Hamid Abdi and Saeid Nahavandi 6. Paper Title: Faulty Plant Reconfiguration Based on Disturbance Decoupling Methods Authors: A. Kaldmae, U. Kotta, B. Jiang, A. Shumsky and A. Zhirabok 7. Paper Title: Valve Position-based Control at Engine Key-on of an Electro-mechanical Valve Actuator for Camless Engines: A Robust Controller Tuning Via Bifurcation Analysis Author: Carlos I. Hoyos Velasco and Alessandro di Gaeta 8. Paper Title: Contouring Control for Multi-Axis Motion Systems With Holonomic Constraints: Theory and Application to a Parallel System Authors: Shyh-Leh Chen and Yuan-Cheng Tsai 9. Paper Title: Analysis of General Ideal Proportional Navigation Guidance Laws Authors: Feng Tyan 10. Paper Title: Robust Hinfin Tracking Control of Uncertain Robotic Systems with Periodic Disturbances Authors: Yeong-Chan Chang 11. Paper Title: Optimal Controlled Nodes Selection for Fast Consensus Authors: W en Yang, Ying Wang, Xiaofan Wang and Hongbo Shi 12. Paper Title: Event-Triggered Control for Multi-Agent Systems with General Directed Topology and Time Delays Authors: Lan Gao, Xiaofeng Liao, Huaqing Li and Guo Chen 13. Paper Title: Stability Margin Determination of Linear Discrete-Time Systems Described By Fuzzy Convex Sets Uncertainty Authors: Majid Hallaji and Assef Zare 14. Paper Title: Distributed consensus of delayed multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics via intermittent control Authors: Zhiyong Ye, Yungen Chen and Hua Zhang 15. Paper Title: A Control Parameterization Approach with Variable Time Nodes for Optimal Control Problems Authors: Guodong Li, Ping Liu and Xinggao Liu 16. Paper Title: Direct Power Control of Dfig by Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller Authors: Nasrin Kalamian, Mohammad Verij Kazemi and S. Asghar Gholomian 17. Paper Title: Supervised Multi-Rejector of Periodic Disturbances for Nonlinear Systems Using Decoupled State Multimodel Authors: Mouhib Allaoui, Anis Messaoud, Khadija Dehri and Ridha Ben Abdennour 18. Paper Title: Robust Missile Autopilots With Finite-Time Convergence Authors: Shaoming He, Jiang Wang and Defu Lin 19. Paper Title: Design and Comparison Base Analysis of Adaptive Estimator for Completely Unknown Linear Systems in the Presence of OE Noise and Constant Input Time Delay Authors: Onder Tutsoy 20. Paper Title: Distributed MPC for Tracking and Formation of Homogeneous Multi-agent System with Time-Varying Communication Topology Authors: Baocang Ding, Liang Ge, Hongguang Pan and Peng Wang 21. Paper Title: Robust State Feedback Formulation for High Order Repetitive Controllers Authors: Jeferson V. Flores and Aurelio T. Salton, Rafael S. Castro 22. Paper Title: State Feedback Stabilization Over Finite-State Fading Channels Authors: Nan Xiao, Yugang Niu and Lihua Xie 23. Paper Title: Simultaneous Target Flying Mode Identification and Altitude Estimation in Bistatic TR-R HFSWR Authors: Kongrui Zhao, Changjun Yu, Go ngjian Zhou and Taifan Quan 24. Paper Title: Using a Two-Level Structure to Manage the Point Location Problem in Explicit Model Predictive Control Authors: Ju Zhang, Xiaojie Xiu, Zuozhang Xie and Biaobiao Hu 25. Paper Title: Robust Adaptive Neural Control for a Class of Time-Varying Delay Systems with Backlash-like Hysteresis Input Authors: Xiuyu Zhang, Zhi Li, Chun-Yi Su, Xinkai Chen, Jianguo Wang and Linlin Xia 26. Paper Title: Tuning Method for Fractional Complex Order Controller Using Standardized k-Chart: Application to Pemfc Control Authors: Masoomeh Shahiri, Abolfazl Ranjbar Noei, Mohammad Reza Karami and Reza Ghaderi 27. Paper Title: Tracking Performance Bound with Finite Control Energy and Erasure Channel Energy Constraint Authors: Baoxian Wang, Ding-Xue Zhang, Zhi-Hong Guan, Bin Hu and Yuehua Huang Brief Paper 1. Paper Title: Disturbance Decoupling of Time Delay Systems Authors: A. Kaldmae and C. H. Moog 2. Paper Title: Robust State-and-Disturbance Observer Design for Linear Non-minimum-phase Systems Authors: Min-Shin Chen, Shih-Yu Lin, Ming-Lei Tseng, Yi-Liang Yeh and Jia-Yush Yen 3. Paper Title: Quantization Effect on Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems Authors: Yan Yan, Xinghuo Yu and Changyin Sun 4. Paper Title: Geometrical Dissipativity-Based Output Synchronization of Discrete Dynamical Networks with Non-Identical Nodes Authors: Chensong Li and Jun Zhao 5. Paper Title: An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Control Scheme for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Authors: Indrani Kar 6. Paper Title: State-Feedback Stabilization of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Delay and Different Orders Authors: Tiancheng Wang and Wuquan Li 7. Paper Title: Guidance Laws With Input Constraints and Actuator Failures Authors: Liao Fei and Ji Haibo CONTENTS - Fikret A. Aliev, V. B. Larin, On the construction of general solution of the generalized Sylvester equation - A. Kh. Khanmamedov, L. K. Asadova, On a solvablity of some equations related with s-functions of the discrete Sturm-liouville equation - G. Oner, Completeness of some normal modal logics - F. H. Rahimov, I. A. Ibadova, A. D. Farkhadova, T. E. Hashimova, Limit theorems for the random walk described by the autoregression process of order one - K. R. Aida-zade, D. A Asadova, Numerical solution to discrete systems of block structure with boundary conditions unshared between blocks - M. Gachpazan, H. Beiglo, M. Erfanian, APQWs in complex plane: Application to Fredholm integral equations - N. A. Aliyev, R. H. Akhmedov, Investigation of the solutions of the Cauchy problem and boundary-value problems for the ordinary differential equations with continuously changing order of the derivative - R. Shah, A. Zada, Some common fixed point theorems of compatible maps with integral type contraction in G-metric spaces - N. M. Veliev, M. A. Kurbanov, N. A. Ismayilov, I. S. Ramazanova, M. M. Mutallimov, G. Kh. Guseynova, Z. A. Dadashov, S. R. Kalantarov, Composite piezoelectric transducers for acoustic oil exploration and improvement of the filtration properties of the oil lagers - Fikret A. Aliev, N. A. Ismayilov, A. A. Namazov, M. F. Radjabov, Asymptotic method to the solution of the identification problems for the dynamic systems - H. Oumlztekin, Normal and rectifying curves in galilean space G3 - Fikret A. Aliev, N. A. Aliev, A. P. Guliev, Some space inverse problems for determining hydraulic resistancersquos coefficients in the lifting in oil production International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications (IJIRA) is a new Springer journal founded by Prof. Kok-Meng Lee (springercomputeraijournal41315 ). The journal currently has Call for Papers for three Focused Sections (FS): springercomputeraijournal41315detailsPagepress 1. FS on Intelligent Robotics for Rehabilitation and Human Assistance Guest editors: Jingang Yi (jgyirutgers. edu ), Jun Ueda (jun. uedame. gatech. edu ), and Xiangyang Zhu (mexyzhusjtu. edu. cn ) Submission deadline: August 15, 2016 Intelligent robotics plays a central role in the development of rehabilitation and human assistive robots, which is an important and increasing demand for maximizing the effectivenessefficiency of the clinical therapy and processes, developing innovative solutions to promote independent living of senior citizens as well as persons with disability, and enhancing the power of the wearer in various environments. Recent advances in computational intelligence, and sensing and control technologies enable new applications in quantitative human motion analysis, diagnosis, monitoring and feedback allowing more autonomous personalized treatments without the need for constant therapist interaction. In an effort to disseminate current advances and identify challengesopportunities, the focused section seeks submissions on original investigations relating to design, modeling and control of rehabilitation and human assistive robotic systems. Papers should contain both theoretical and practicalexperimental results. Potential topics include but are not limited to: - Rehabilitation robotics - Exoskeleton robots and power-assisting devices - Sensors and actuators for human-assistive systems - Prosthetic devices and assistive systems - Modeling and control of physical human-robot interactions - Human-centered intelligent systems - Argumentation of motor and sensory functions 2. FS on Advances in Soft Robotics Guest editors: Xiaobo Tan (xbtanegr. msu. edu ), Kam Leang (kam. k.leangutah. edu ), and Zhouping Yin (yinzhpmail. hust. edu. cn ) Submission deadline: September 1, 2016 Soft robotics, inspired by biological organisms including octopuses, worms, starfish, and elephants, offers promising and innovative solutions for safe and adaptive interactions in unstructured environments and with humans. The development of soft robots presents a number of challenges in material synthesis, mathematical modeling, mechanism design, and control, and has attracted increasing attention from researchers in recent years. For instance, a soft robot comprised of sensors, actuators, and structures, all with soft, deformable, and compliant characteristics, requires advances in material development and manufacturing technology. Also, it is crucial to have distributed, effective control architecture that requires minimal computing power. Additionally, it is of great importance to develop computationally-efficient modeling tools for soft and deformable materials and structures. The goal of this focused section is to highlight some of the key advances made in the field of soft robotics. Topics of interest for the focused section include but are not limited to: - Electronic skin - Soft material sensors and actuators - Distributed sensing, actuation, and control strategies - Mechanism design and dynamics for soft robots - Modeling and simulation tools for soft robotics - Enabling tools for prototyping soft robots - Prototypes and applications 3. FS on Intelligent Robotics for Civil Infrastructure Guest editors: Yang Wang (yang. wangce. gatech. edu ), Thomas Bock (thomas. bockbri. arch. tu-muenchen. de ), Yunhua Li (yhlibuaa. edu. cn ), Jerome P. Lynch (jerlynchumich. edu ), and Jouni Mattila (jouni. mattilatut. fi ) Submission deadline: December 1, 2016 A great variety of intelligent robots are finding exciting applications in civil infrastructure. For example, in the past few years, small-size crawling and flying robots have been investigated for bridge inspection. Meanwhile, intelligent robotics and machinery of much larger size are played an important role in construction and maintenance of civil infrastructure. Furthermore, the combination of robotics, electronics, computing and network has also thrust a significant amount of work in smart structural technologies. In an effort to disseminate current advances of various robotics technologies for large civil structures, this focused session seeks submissions in relevant areas. Papers should contain both theoretical and practicalexperimental results. Potential topics include but are not limited to: - Robotics in construction machinery for large-scale civil infrastructure - Mobile sensor network and robotic inspection for civil structures - Cyber-physical civil infrastructure systems - Prognostics, health monitoring and high-efficiency operation of large civil structures - Robotic rehabilitation of large civil structures - Novel actuation and control techniques for construction machinery and construction automation These topics are of great relevance to the IEEE CSS community. Please consider submitting your work to these Focused Sections. Feel free to contact the guest editors for any questions you might have. Manuscript Preparation Papers must contain original contributions and be prepared in accordance with the journal standards. Instructions for authors are available online at: springer41315 . Manuscript Submission Manuscripts should be submitted online at: editorialmanagerjira. The cover letter should report and indicate the focused section names. All manuscripts will be subjected to the peer review process. If you have any questions relating to this focused section, please email one of the Guest Editors. Call for Paper: Applications and Systems for Collaborative Driving IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Previous advancements in sensing and computing technologies in automotive have led to the development of highly effective driver assistance systems, improving vehicle control, safety, traffic efficiency and reducing environmental impact. Benefits are further magnified by exploiting communication among vehicles and with the road infrastructure. Vehicles are becoming sensors able to share various and detailed information, significantly widening the awareness horizon of each single car. Add to that the active participation of drivers to elevate simple cooperative driving to true collaborative driving. Availability of such a dynamically distributed system also represents a valuable reduction in costs with respect to stand-alone systems. Furthermore, collaborative systems represent a significant step towards autonomous driving, especially in areas with high traffic densities. A wide range of new services and applications are being enabled by vehicular cooperation, supporting better safety and navigation, driver behavior improvement and coaching, traffic efficiency, emission reduction. A true collaborative approach adds significance to the driverrsquos and travelersrsquo role, thus substantially increasing the potential and variety of the offered services - with safety and security-related issues as well. Several initiatives have been carried out in the recent years, also on large scale, and this special issue intends to offer a reference point for showcasing the leading-edge research work in the field. We solicit papers describing applications, systems, platforms, and techniques for collaborative driving. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Applications based on inter-vehicle, inter-driver and vehicle-infrastructure collaboration (e. g. collaborative navigation, collaborative parking, traffic management, collaborativecooperative collision warning and avoidance, overtaking assistance, CollaborativeCooperative Adaptive Cruise Control, lane merging and splitting, multi-lane platooning, etc.) - Safety and security issues in collaborative driving - Big data and data processing technologies for collaborative driving - Algorithms for collaborative driving, e. g. sensor fusion, robust and safe control - Hardware and systems for collaborative driving - Collaborative mapping and localization systems - ITS community building and social gaming - Communications systems and protocols for collaborative driving - Human-Computer interactioninterface for collaborative driving systems - Impact of collaborative driving, e. g. on traffic, energy, environment, and society - Autonomous technologies for collaborative driving - Business and economic model for collaborative driving - User studies on collaborative driving First submission deadline: September 30th, 2016. Notification of first decision: December 31st 2016. First revision submission deadline: February 28th 2017. Notification of final decision: April 30th 2017. Final manuscript (camera ready) submission deadline: May 15th 2017 Issue of Publication: October 2017 Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), Journal Citation ReportsScience Edition, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, ProQuest, Academic OneFile, Current ContentsEngineering, Computing and Technology, EI-Compendex, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by Serial Solutions CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on Soft Robotics Publication: February 2017 Submission Deadline: July 31, 2016 With rapidly growing interests in lsquoSoft Robot, rsquo International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCA S) is pleased to announce an upcoming Special Issue on Soft Robotics. This Special Issue is intended to address the state-of-art of Soft Robot related researches and the leading researchers in soft robotics are strongly encouraged to submit their contributions to share the past, present, and future directions of soft robotics research as well as to discuss their recent research outcomes. Various important works in soft robotics including sensors, actuators, structures, modeling amp control, and fabrication techniques are intended to be addressed. The special issue publishes original papers of novel discoveries, improvements, and results relevant to the field of Soft Robotics both in theory and applications. Also, priorities will be given to papers reporting original work strongly supported by experimental results and carefully designed studies that can be shared by the research community. Topics of interest of this Special Issue include, but are not limited to: - Soft Robot Modeling amp Simulation - Soft Robot Control - Soft Sensors amp Soft Actuators - Soft Electronics - SoftFlexible Materials amp Structures - Soft Robot amp Human Interface - Soft Robot System - Soft Robot Applications To explore possible topics, feel free to contact the guest editors. Accepted papers will be published in the special issue of International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (indexed as SCIE), which is scheduled in February 2017. All manuscripts will go through regular review processes of the journal. Manuscript Preparation and Submission Follow the guidelines in quotInformation for Authorsquot in International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems ijcas. Please submit your manuscript in electronic form through Manuscript Central web site: jcas. edmgr. On the submitting page 1 in popup menu of manuscript type, select: quotSpecial Issue on Soft Roboticsquot. Important Dates Submission of Manuscripts 7312016 Notification of Acceptance 10312016 Submission of Final Papers 12312016 Publication February 2017 Guest Editor Sungwan Kim, Guest Editor Professor in Seoul National University amp PM in National Research Foundation of Korea, Korea e-mail: sungwansnu. ac. kr 5.1. Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing Contributed by: Angie Ellis, amellisillinois. edu The Fifty-Fourth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing will kick off with Opening Tutorials being held on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at the Coordinated Science Laboratory. The conference sessions will start on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 through Friday, September 30, 2016, at the Allerton Park and Retreat Center. The Allerton House is located twenty-six miles southwest of the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois in a wooded area on the Sangamon River. It is part of the fifteen-hundred acre Robert Allerton Park, a complex of natural and man-made beauty designated as a National natural landmark. Allerton Park has twenty miles of well-maintained trails and a living gallery of formal gardens, studded with sculptures collected from around the world. Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of biological information systems coding techniques and applications coding theory data storage information theory multiuser detection and estimation network information theory sensor networks in communications wireless communication systems intrusionanomaly detection and diagnosis network coding network games and algorithms performance analysis pricing and congestion control reliability, security and trust decentralized control systems robust and nonlinear control adaptive control and automation robotics distributed and large-scale systems complex networked systems optimization dynamic games machine learning and learning theory signal models and representations signal acquisition, coding, and retrieval detection and estimation learning and inference statistical signal processing sensor networks and data analytics. INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS: Regular papers suitable for presentation in twenty minutes are solicited. Regular papers will be published in full (subject to a maximum length of eight 8.5quot x 11quot pages, in two column format) in the Conference Proceedings. Only papers that are actually presented at the conference and uploaded as final manuscripts can be included in the proceedings, which will be available after the conference on IEEE Xplore. For reviewing purposes of papers, a title and a five to ten page extended abstract, including references and sufficient detail to permit careful reviewing, are required. Manuscripts can be submitted during June 15-July 8, 2016 with the submission deadline of July 8th being firm. Please follow the instructions at the Conference website: csl. illinois. eduallerton . Authors will be notified of acceptance via e-mail by August 8, 2016, at which time they will also be sent detailed instructions for the preparation of their papers for the Proceedings. Final versions of papers to be presented at the conference are required to be submitted electronically by October 2, 2016 in order to appear in the Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore. PLENARY LECTURE: Professor Naomi Leonard from the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, will deliver this yearrsquos plenary lecture. It is scheduled for Friday, September 30, 2016 at the Allerton Park and Retreat Center. OPENING TUTORIAL LECTURES: Professor Panagiotis Tsiotras, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Professor Emmanuel Abbe, Princeton Unversity, will both present a tutorial lecture on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2016 IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2016) Registration is open Online Registration: ifac. papercept. netregistrationindex. php Early Registration deadline: June 10, 2016 Regular Registration: June 11 - August 25, 2016 The IFAC NOLCOS symposium is a continuing series of triennial symposia that started in Capri, 1989. The scope of the symposia has been on the theory and application of nonlinear control systems. NOLCOS has been acknowledged as the major international gathering of leading experts in industry and academia in the field of nonlinear control. Monterey, California, is a beautiful city located on the southern edge of Monterey Bay within driving distance from Silicon Valley, the world center of high-tech, and several universities including Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, and Naval Postgraduate School. A limited block of rooms at a very attractive rate have been reserved at Monterey Marriott for the conference attendees. Please go to the conference website for instructions on registration and hotel reservation. NOLCOS in Monterey aims at strengthening worldwide contacts between academia and industry to build up new networks and cultivate existing relations. The themes of the conference include, but not limited to - Control Theory: control and estimation of nonlinear systems, stability and Lyapunov methods, geometric control, optimization-based control methods. - Applications: control of unmanned systems and robotics, energy and power systems, guidance and control, biological systems. - Systems and Control: computation and control for large-scale systems, control of distributed parameter systems, systems and parameter identification, control of hybrid systems, cooperative control and networked systems, control of stochastic systems. Besides the exciting scientific program there will be several social activities including an opening reception, a conference banquet and a closing reception at the world famous Monterey Bay Aquarium sponsored by the Mathworks. There are numerous activities in the Monterey area, including visiting the Carmel Mission, wine tasting in Carmel and Carmel Valley and the touring the rugged Big Sur coastline. Attendees are encouraged to bring their families and enjoy the region. The special conference hotel rate is available from Aug. 20-26. Book early as rooms at this rate are limited. Final Call for Papers DARS 2016 (dars2016.org ) 13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems November 7-9, 2016. Natural History Museum, London, UK Submission deadline: July 5, 2016 News: Special Issue on Distributed Robotics (see publication details) ABOUT DARS Now in its 13th edition, DARS provides a forum for scientific advances in the theory and practice of distributed autonomous robotic systems. It is a highly selective, single-track meeting that is soliciting submissions presenting significant, original, and previously unpublished research. Distributed robotics is an interdisciplinary and rapidly growing area, combining research in computer science, communication and control systems, and electrical and mechanical engineering. Distributed robotic systems can autonomously solve complex problems while operating in highly unstructured real-world environments. They are expected to play a major role in addressing future societal needs, for example, by improving environmental impact assessment, food supply, transportation, manufacturing, security, and emergency and rescue services. DARS 2016 will build upon past successes and provide an exciting environment to present and discuss the latest technologies, algorithms, system architectures, and applications. All interested researchers and engineers are invited to take part in DARS 2016. PUBLICATION DETAILS All accepted contributions will be included as full-length papers in the Proceedings of DARS 2016. The proceedings will be published in the Springer STAR series (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics): springerseries5208 . In addition, the Autonomous Robots journal plans to publish a special issue on Distributed Robotics in cooperation with DARS (details about the open call will be announced in due course). KEYNOTE SPEAKERS - Nikolaus Correll - University of Colorado Boulder, USA - Vijay Kumar - University of Pennsylvania, USA - James AR Marshall - The University of Sheffield, UK - Katia Sycara - Carnegie Mellon University, USA SUBMITTING TO DARS 2016 Papers should be formatted according to the style files of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. The page limit is 12 pages. The submission system is available at ocs. springerocsenconferencesubmitpapertoDARS2016 . Papers are solicited in all areas of distributed autonomous robotics, including, but not restricted to: - Architectures for teams of robots - Self-organizing and self-assembling robotic systems - Swarm robotic systems - Hybrid symbiotic teams (humans and robots, animals and robots) - Learning and adaptation in teams of robots - Modular robotics - Localization and navigation in multi-robot systems - Multi-robot and multi-vehicle motion coordination - Distributed cooperative perception - Distributed cooperative action - Distributed control and planning - Control issues in multi-robot systems - Performance metrics for robot teams - Distributed decision making - Sensor and actuator networks - Networking issues in multi-robot systems - Wireless and robotic sensor networks - Multi-robot applications in exploration, inspection, coverage, search and rescue, service, environmental monitoring, etc. Submission instructions are available on dars2016.org . IMPORTANT DATES - July 5, 2016 Paper Submission - September 7, 2016 Author Notification - September 21, 2016 Camera Ready Submission - November 7-9, 2016 Conference SPONSORS amp EXHIBITORS DARS is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Vicon Motion Systems is a Platinum Sponsor of DARS 2016. If you wish to become a sponsor of, or exhibitor at, DARS 2016, please visit dars2016.org . AWARDS The following awards will be presented at the conference: - Best Paper Award (certificate and cash honorarium of USD 1000) - Best Application Paper Award (by IET Robotics amp Mechatronics TPN) - Best Poster Award (by Springer) SOCIAL MEDIA Follow us on social media for all the latest updates. More information at dars2016.org 2nd ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security amp Privacy (CPS-SPC) In Conjunction with the 23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) Location: Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria Date: Friday, October 28, 2016 Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) integrate computing and communication capabilities with monitoring and control of entities in the physical world. These systems are usually composed of a set of networked agents, including sensors, actuators, control processing units, and communication devices. While some forms of CPS are already in use, the widespread growth of wireless embedded sensors and actuators is creating several new applications in areas such as medical devices, autonomous vehicles, and smart infrastructure, and is increasing the role that the information infrastructure plays in existing control systems such as in the process control industry or the power grid. Many CPS applications are safety-critical: their failure can cause irreparable harm to the physical system under control, and to the people who depend, use or operate it. In particular, critical cyber-physical infrastructures such as the electric power generation, transmission and distribution grids, oil and natural gas systems, water and waste-water treatment plants, and transportation networks play a fundamental and large-scale role in our society and their disruption can have a significant impact to individuals, and nations at large. Securing these CPS infrastructures is therefore vitally important. Similarly because many CPS systems collect sensor data non-intrusively, users of these systems are often unaware of their exposure. Therefore in addition to security, CPS systems must be designed with privacy considerations. To address some of these issues, we invite original research papers on the security andor privacy of Cyber-Physical Systems. We seek submissions from multiple interdisciplinary backgrounds tackling security and privacy issues in CPS, including but not limited to: - mathematical foundations for secure CPS - control theoretic approaches to secure CPS - security architectures for CPS - security and resilience metrics for CPS - metrics and risk assessment approaches for CPS - privacy in CPS - network security for CPS - game theory applied to CPS security - security of embedded systems, IoT and real-time systems in the context of CPS - human factors and humans in the loop - CPS reliability and safety - economics of security and privacy in CPS - intrusion detection in CPS CPS domains of interest include but are not limited to: - health care and medical devices - manufacturing - industrial control systems - SCADA systems - robotics - unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) - autonomous vehicles - transportation systems and networks - abstract theoretical CPS domains that involve sensing and actuation Also of interest will be papers that can point the research community to new research directions, and those that can set research agendas and priorities in CPS security and privacy. Publication of Papers Papers will be digitally published as part of the CCS workshop proceedings, and will be part of the ACM digital library. Important Dates July 27th, 2016 Paper Submission Deadline (UTC-11) August 31st, 2016 Notification of Acceptance September 15th, 2016 Camera Ready Submission (Hard Deadline) October 28th 2016 Workshop World Congress: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences WHEN: 05-08 July 2016 WHERE: La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle Website: icnpaa internationalmathematicsicnpaa ICNPAA39s AIM Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Science have stimulated cooperation among scientists from a variety of disciplines. Developments in computer technology have additionally allowed for solutions of mathematical problems. This international forum will extend scholarly cooperation and collaboration, encouraging the dissemination of ideas and information. The conference will have a pool of active researchers, with a proper balance between academia and industry, as well as between senior and junior researchers, including graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It is anticipated that such a balance will provide both senior and junior researchers an opportunity to interact and to have a wider picture of recent advances in their respective fields. The conference, especially, enables the setting up of new interdisciplinary research directions among its participants by establishing links with world renowned researchers, making possible joint international projects that will no doubt bring about fresh and innovative ideas and technologies in engineering, aerospace and sciences Co-Sponsored by: AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics IFIP: International Federation of Information Processing La Rochelle, France, University of La Rochelle The proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics. 2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2016) October 16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016 HICO, Gyeongju, Korea 2016.iccas. org ICCAS 2016 will be held at HICO. Gyeongju, Korea on October 16(SUN)-19(WED), 2016. The aim of the ICCAS is to bring together researchers and engineers worldwide to present their latest works, and disseminate the state-of-the-art technologies related to control, automation, robotics, and systems. Important Dates July 15, 2016: Notification of paper acceptance August 12, 2016: Submission of final camera-ready papers Plenary Speakers Andrew Schwartz (Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA) Maria Prandini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) Sangchul Won (POSTECH, Korea) Satoshi Tadokoro (Tohoku Univ. Japan) James Ashton-Miller (Univ. of Michigan, USA) Huijun Gao (Harbin Institute of Technology, China) Song K. Choi (Univ. of Hawaii, USA) Tutorials - Stability, control and application of Markovian Jump systems - Input Shaping Control to Reduce Residual Vibrations - Machine Learning with Sequential Data - Biomimetic Robotics The treasure of a brilliant cultural heritage Welcome to Gyeongju. Gyeongju was the capital city of Shilla for 992 years. The history of Gyeongju, which was once called Seorabeol, is also the history of the thousand-year-old Shilla Dynasty. Gyeongju embraces a radiant ancient culture where Buddhism, science, and the arts and crafts of the people of Shilla flourished, and the great spirits of Hwarangdo attained the nification of the three kingdoms. This is why Gyeongju is so well preserved by its people and thus, has been designated as a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. The evergreen spirit of Shilla has been alive here for nearly a thousand years. Gyeongju is truly a museum without walls. This event starts right after IROS 2016(Oct. 9-14), Daejeon, Korea. It takes 1 hour from Daejeon to Gyeongju by KTX(Korea Train eXpress). Thank you for your contributions and we look forward to seeing you at ICCAS 2016 during October 16-19, 2016. Call for Participant: Cross-Disciplinary Challenges for Autonomous Systems A proposal on quotCross-Disciplinary Challenges for Autonomous Systemsquot has been submitted for consideration at the 2016 AAAI Fall Symposia Series in Washington D. C. (November 17-19). As part of the proposal process, I need to gauge interest by putting together a list of people who would potentially be interested in attending (note responses are non-binding). If you would be interested, please respond in the next day or so using the form at: docs. googleformsd1ISj25Qzx-Gtj7Sb7k-oW4Eqzi8R-3MptOLuizdW. To summarize, this symposium is being proposed with the recognition that no single discipline will be able to address all the challenges that face practical fielding of autonomous systems. The goal of this symposium is then two-fold. First, to allow attendees to share recent results from their own cross-disciplinary research, as well as specific tools and approaches accessible to researchers from other disciplines. Second, to engage in working groups focused on characterizing the current and future landscape of research in autonomy. For more details on the proposed symposium see: drive. googlefiled0B-fzt2KvIVGCcG1oeGt6LUo4cXMviewuspsh. Laura R. Humphrey, PhD AFRLRQQA Research Engineer, VampV of Autonomous Systems Bldg. 146, Rm 300 Aerospace Systems Directorate 2210 8th St. Air Force Research Laboratory Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7531 6.1. PhD: University of Groningen, Netherlands Contributed by: Pietro Tesi, p. tesirug. nl The Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen jointly with the Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, at University of Groningen, The Netherlands, have one PhD position vacancy on: Complex Dynamical Networks: From Data to Connectivity Structure. We are looking for candidates with an MSc degree in systems and control or applied mathematics, and with a strong background or interest in complex networks. The main objective of the research is to develop methodologies and algorithms to identify the connectivity structure of a complex dynamical network on the basis of observation data. Dynamical networks are pervasive in todayrsquos world, ranging from social and economic networks to biological networks and man-made infrastructures. The connection structure is very important in determining the overall network behavior. Therefore, satisfactory methods to identify the network connectivity structure, even at coarse-grained levels, are important in order to predict how a network might evolve andor anticipatecounteract critical transitions. The research will focus on both theoretical models and real-world applications, in particular applications from energy systems. In addition, we will explore potential applications in the area of neuroscience. The position is also affiliated with the Data Science and Systems Complexity Centre, at the University of Groningen. It concerns a research cluster of 58 prominent researchers in a number of basic disciplines (mathematics, astronomy, computer science, artificial intelligence, systems amp control) and scientific application domains (genomics, pharmacology, instrumentation), with the ambition of combining data and complexity sciences. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work with a multi-disciplinary team of researchers. A good command of the English language is required. The appointment will be up to 4 years. As an employee of the university, the successful applicant will receive a competitive salary. The successful applicant is expected to be available to commence hisher studies no later than 1 January 2017. Interested candidates please send your inquiries together with your detailed CV and a 1-page letter of motivation or research statement to: p. tesirug. nl and m. k.camlibelrug. nl (with f. g.fokkensrug. nl in cc). Please specify the following text in the subject: Complex Dynamical Networks: From Data to Connectivity Structure - PhD application. PhD student position in Situation awareness for autonomous vehicles in complex environments Ref nr: Ref 20160257 The PhD position is in Signal Processing group at the Department of Signals and Systems at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Information about the project This project is concerned with self-driving vehicles, which is a vibrant and fast moving research area with a potential to fundamentally change the way humans transport themselves and transport goods. When designing self-driving vehicles, the vehiclersquos ability to perceive its surroundings and to position itself on the road and in the road network is of utmost importance. For example, a highly accurate host position (of sub-meter accuracy) is crucial in order for the control algorithms to be able to plan the vehiclersquos future path. Furthermore, self-driving vehicles have strict requirements on detecting and tracking all objects and obstacles, even those not considered by traditional advanced driver support systems. That is, apart from tracking expected road users, such as pedestrians and cars, it also has to detect occasional debris lying on the road and track other less common vehicles. Building on previous research conducted in the signal processing group, in this project we want to extend our perception platform to also cover self-localization, general obstacle detection (debris etc.) and estimation of drivablesafe road surface ahead of the host vehicle. We are interested in making contributions in a wide range of areas including adaptive maps, deep learning for point clouds and stereovision segmentation (drivable road estimation etc.) and cooperate perception and localization. Within the signal processing group, there is already a group of PhD students and senior researchers working on problems related to autonomous vehicles and perception, and you will have ample opportunities to collaborate with other researchers in our group. Major responsibilities Your major responsibilities are to pursue your own doctoral studies. You are expected to develop your own scientific concepts and communicate the results of your research both verbally and written in English. You are obviously also expected to contribute to research in the field of self-driving vehicles. The position includes teaching on Chalmers39 undergraduate level or performing other duties corresponding to at most 20 percent of working hours. Position summary Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of five years. Qualifications By the starting date, the applicant should have a Master of Science degree, or equivalent, in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering Physics, Applied Mathematics, or a related discipline. A successful applicant should have a strong background in mathematics, Bayesian statistics, machine learning, optimization and programming. A genuine interest and curiosity in the subject, and excellent oral and written English communication skills are needed. Multiple Ph. D. Research Assistantship in Large-Scale and Distributed Control and Dynamical Networks. Contact: Prof. Nader Motee (moteelehigh. edu ) Interested students and recently graduated PhD students are encouraged to apply for our open positions in Distributed Control and Dynamical Systems (DCDS) Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at LehighUniversity. There are several open positions for Summer 2016, Fall 2016, and Spring 2017 in the form of Research Assistants and Postdoctoral Scholars. For more information about our group and current research activities, please visit our website at Students with a M. Sc. degree, preferably in Control SystemsOptimizationApplied Math or other related areas, are strongly encouraged to apply. Undergraduate students with strong background in Control Systems, Communications, Optimization and Applied Mathematics are also encouraged to apply. Interested applicants with a Ph. D. in a related field (e. g. Control SystemsOptimizationApplied Math) are strongly encouraged to apply. Lehigh is a premier residential research university, ranked in the top tier of national research universities each year. We are a coeducational, nondenominational, private university that offers a distinct academic environment of undergraduate and graduate students from across the globe. Located in Pennsylvania39s scenic Lehigh Valley, the campus is in close proximity to both New York City and Philadelphia. Lehigh is comprised of 2,358 acres, making it one of the largest private universities in the country. Interested applicants may contact Prof. Nader Motee (moteelehigh. edu ) with the following information: (1) one-page research statement explaining how your background fits our current research group, (2) detailed CV and list of publications, (3) copies of one or two publications. All documents should be in PDF format. At the research group Wind Energy Systems, ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research, Institute of Physics of the Carl von Ossietzky - University of Oldenburg, there is a vacant PhD position starting as soon as possible: Research Assistant (Salary according to TV-L E13, 100). The research focus will be on Experimental Approach to Modelling and Control of Wind Farms. At present, wake interaction within a wind farm is typically not adequately taken into account in current industrial controllers, resulting in lower power output and higher structural loads. Recently, the possibility to influence either energy content or direction of wakes through wind turbine control received a strong attention from the scientific community. Wind farm controllers capable of influencing and utilizing wake interaction could lead to improved operation, such as maximization of energy yield, reduction of turbine loads, or better tracking of a power reference set by a transmission system operator. However, one of the greatest challenges in designing such a controller is the lack of reliable and simple engineering wind farm models. In order to tackle this shortcoming, ForWind - Oldenburg is utilizing its state of the art research infrastructures such as the new large turbulent wind tunnel, lidar windscanners and a dedicated high performance computing cluster. Novel and far reaching research activities are offered by a close link of lab and full-scale experiments with high fidelity simulations. Job Description The main goals of the PhD project are to develop suitable experimental procedures for obtaining control-oriented wind farm models, and to develop and experimentally verify wind farm control algorithms based on the derived models. An experimental setup consisting of fully controllable scaled wind turbine models in a wind tunnel will be developed, with aim of enabling all relevant controlactuator capabilities of full scale wind farms in a wind tunnel. Starting from a standard wind farm control approach, methodologies for system identification will be developed, that can be performed without obstructing wind farm operation. Different levels of model and control complexity will be analysed in order to find the best solutions in respect to wind farm performance and required hardware for implementation of the developed control algorithms. Among others, the job will comprise: - Development and improvement of existing experimental setup - Development and implementation of wind turbine control algorithms - Designing and performing wind tunnel experiments - Development of wind turbine and wind farm mathematical models - Development of wind farm control algorithms - Comparison of numerical and experimental results - Support of the teaching and other general activities of the research group Furthermore, the candidate will be given opportunities to actively improve personal, scientific and teaching skills. Candidate Profile Prerequisite is a qualifying university degree (diploma or master) in engineering, physics or an equivalent course of studies with extensive knowledge in control engineering. Basic expertise in wind turbine dynamics, fluid and structural dynamics is desired. Experience with MatlabSimulink and LabVIEW programming tools, real-time control systems, and standard laboratory tools is considered a plus. Further requirements are the aptitude and willingness for pursuing a PhD with emphasis on experimental research, as well as fluently spoken and written English. Good German language skills are desired as well. In the beginning, the employment is limited to three years. Afterwards, an extension to a total of 4 years with the opportunity of pursing a PhD is aimed at. The University of Oldenburg is dedicated to increase the percentage of female employees in the field of science. Therefore, female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. In accordance to sect 21 Section 3 NHG, female candidates with equal qualifications will be preferentially considered. Handicapped applicants will be given preference in case of equal qualification. Full-time positions can be also turned into part-time ones. Contact Please send your preferably electronic application referenced UN36 and appending all the usual documents (motivation letter, curriculum vitae, graduation results, job references) in one single pdf file as well as another pdf of the final thesis of your studies or relevant research papers (if available) to the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Institute of Physics, Research Group Wind Energy Systems, Prof. Dr. M. Kuumlhn, Ammerlaumlnder Heerstr. 136, 26129 Oldenburg, Phone 494417985061, Email wesys. bewerbungenforwind. de. forwind. de until July 10th, 2016. Link: forwind. deforwindfilesPosition-WE-Sys-UN36-WFC. pdf Applications are invited for PhD positions in Dr. Yuan39s group at The University of Rhode Island. The research of the prospective candidates will focus on the following multidisciplinary research projects: 1. RoboticsPower Systems: Distributed cooperative and formation control of multi-agent robotic systems, and large-scaled smart power grid networks. 2. Biomedical Systems: Intelligent learning control and dynamical pattern recognition applied to human-heart dynamics modeling, diseases diagnosis, gait recognition, and human-legarm prosthesis control. 3. Autonomous Vehicles: Advanced hybrid robust control for hybrid electric automotive vehicles, aerospace supersonic vehicles, and spacecrafts. Qualifications: 1. Successful candidates are required to have a strong background in Control Theory. 2. Knowledge and experience related to the robotics, power systems, autonomous vehicles, medical signal analysis and informatics are a plus. 3. Strong interest in cutting-edge scientific research, ambitions in publishing high-impact papers, and self-motivation are also very important assets of the successful candidates. 4. An earned master degree is preferred. The positions are immediately available. Interested parties should send a CVresume, academic transcripts, together with a letter indicating their interests and qualifications for the position, to Dr. Chengzhi Yuan at chengzhiyuan16gmail Visiting studentsscholars, master-thesis students, and undergraduate students, who are interested in the research of Dr. Yuan39s group, are also encouraged to send a CVresume to chengzhiyuan16gmail . One PhD position is immediately available in my Lab located in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Idaho. Specific research topics are (1) stochastic model predictive control of non-linear dynamical systems towards application in neurophysiological systems, and (2) modeling, analysis, and control of brain circuits underlying neurophysiological and psychiatric disorders. If you are interested in working with me on novel problems at the interface of stochastic control theory and neuroscience, please send your CV to me at gautam. kumarwustl. edu or ask for details. Gautam Kumar Assistant Professor Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA scholar. googlecitationsuserBWgGTuwAAAAJamphlen PhD: University of the Armed Forces Munich, Germany contributed by: Gunther Reissig, gunther2014reiszig. de Fully automated controller synthesis for UAV missions Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil. Gunther Reissig reiszig. degunther University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany Department of Aerospace Engineering Institute of Control Engineering Open to applicants worldwide no special security clearance necessary. Abstraction-based controller synthesis is a relatively recent approach whose key advantage over classical synthesis methods is that it permits to solve control problems for nonlinear continuous-state plants described by ordinary differential equations in a fully automated, correct-by-construction fashion, even for rather complex control objectives and in the presence of uncertainties and disturbances. The approach relies on finite-state approximations (abstractions3939) of continuous-state plants described by ordinary differential equations. These abstractions are used as substitutes of the original plants in the synthesis process, to reduce the synthesis problem to the solution of an auxiliary, purely discrete synthesis problem. The stipendiary is expected to advance both theory and computational methods to facilitate the practical applicability of the approach to the synthesis of controllers enforcing temporal logic specifications on UAVs. The focus is on synthesis algorithms that are both efficient and formally correct, and on the reduction of the complexity of the resulting controllers. The project involves theoretical work, algorithm and software development, and, on a small scale, experimental work. The monthly scholarship is 1575 Euros (tax-free) and is generally awarded for a three-year period. The stipendiary is entitled to participate in training and courses at the Graduate School at Technical University Munich, or through the Graduate Program at the National Aeronautics and Space Research Center (DLR). Additional funding for technical equipment, conferences or publications as well as for rent and public transport can be granted in the amount of 6100 Euros per year. No teaching duties stipendiary is expected to do research full time. Required qualifications: MSc degree (or equivalent, giving access to doctoral studies) in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a related field. Students about to complete their MSc will also be considered. Excellent academic record. Strong theoretical background, and a strong interest in dynamical systems and control. Proficiency in programming (C or Ada). Excellent communication skills in English. In addition, experience in one of the following fields would be a plus: Nonlinear dynamical systems formal methods in control reactive synthesis set-valued or validated numerics dynamic programming game theory modeling and control of UAVs professional-grade software development. Your complete application consists of the following documents, which should be sent as a single PDF file to the email address given below (deadline: July 15, 2016): CV with photo One-page cover letter (clearly indicating available start date, relevant qualifications, experience and motivation) University certificates and transcripts (both BSc and MSc degrees) English language certificate Contact details of up to three referees Possibly a list of publications All documents should be in English, with the exception of university certificates and transcripts, which may also be in German. Priv.-Doz. Dr. habil. Gunther Reissig Email: gunther2014reiszig. de. Subject: PhD ref 1966 Post-Doctoral position in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town, South Africa in one of the following topics 1) State estimation for once-through power plant boilers 2) Multivariable robust control using Quantitative Feedback Theory 3) Quantitative feedback control applied to non-linear systems Prof. Ye Yuan (yy311.github. io ) is looking for a postdoc researcher starting as soon as possible at Huazhong University of Science amp Technology, Wuhan, China. The research project is broadly on control theory (system identification or optimization) or its applications to power systems. We offer - A competitive salary - Possibilities for the Postdoc to spend time at Caltech or Texas AampM to take specialized courses and work with collaborators there - Full contract for 2 years with the possibility of renewal up to 5 years contingent on performance. Your Profile - A Ph. D. degree in Control Theory, Power Systems, Mathematics, Computer Science, or a closely related field - An excellent background in one of the following areas: system identification, control theory, machine learning, power systems. Interested candidates should send their CV (with names of at least two references) and a cover letter describing their specific interest and how their background fits the qualifications to Prof. Ye Yuan ltyy311berkeley. edugt. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence. Post-doc position in bio-inspired robust control theory If you were trained in theoretical control, and are interested in making unique contributions in control theory, we have a great opportunity for you. The purpose of this multi-year-sponsored position is to develop novel robust control theory inspired by natural biological systems, and implement the control algorithms for underwater robotics applications through collaborations with experimental researchers. The position requires strong background on mathematical modeling and theoretical control, and ability to extract control principles from broad natural systems through collaborations with the PI and other team members. Interested applicants should send CVs along with 2-3 publications to PI Mingjun Zhang at zhang.4882osu. edu . We are employing systems science and mathematics to bio-inspired engineering. The publication link below may provide you some background information about our work. We look forward to your participation to bridge the gap in bio-inspired robust control theory. A postdoctoral position in the areas of bioinformatics and computational genomics is open at Texas AampM University at Qatar in Doha. The initial contract is for one year, extendable to several years depending on performance and availability of research funds. The start date of the position is July 1, 2016 or as soon as possible. This position is open only for the candidates who have already achieved a proven publication record in bioinformatics and computational genomics. The offer includes generous housing and health insurance benefits. The interested candidates are invited to email their CV and the contact information of two persons who can comment on their performance to Professors Hazem Nounou (hazem. nounouqatar. tamu. edu ) and Erchin Serpedin (email: eserpedinqatar. tamu. edu ). Postdoctoral position at Virginia Tech A postdoctoral position is open at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, on the topic of model predictive control design for helicopters. The appointment is for variable length with the potential for extension up to 36 months subject to strong performance and availability of funding. Eligibility and requirements. The ideal candidate will have strong knowledge of model predictive control. Expertise in aerospace vehicle modeling and in particular of helicopters (modeled as multibody systems) is a major plus. Interested candidates should contact Professor Cornel Sultan (csultanvt. edu ) and include their detailed CV, statement of research and future plans, and a list of three references. PostDoc: CReSTIC, France Postdoctoral Position: Distributed diagnosis of Multi-Robot Systems Job description: We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to join the CReSTIC laboratory of Reims-Champagne-Ardenne University. The post-doc will be in charge of the project quotSUCReacutequot, which deals with Multi-Robot Systems (MRS) and the research will be done in close collaboration with a PhD student at the CReSTIC. Mission: The objective of the postdoc study is to design feasible distributed fault detection and isolation algorithms that allows each robot to detect faults of the other robot of the team. The developed algorithms will then be analyzed, implemented and evaluated in different scenarios using a team of homogeneous robots. Desired skillsexperience: Applicants should hold a PhD in Automatic control or Electrical Engineering. Ph. Ds in other disciplines will also be considered if relevant research experience is certified. Applicants should have research experience in at least one of the following topics: - Control architectures for Multi-Robot systems. - Distributed estimation andor diagnosis. - Multi-agent systems. - Hybrid systems. - Networked systems. Good English writing and verbal communication skills. Knowledge of Robot Operating System (ROS) is an advantage. Details and application procedure: The duration of the contract is for 12 months, the yearly gross salary is 40 000 Euros and the contract conditions will be determined according to standards set by Reims-Champagne-Ardenne University. Applications should contain a motivation letter, a curriculum vita, a list of publications and the names of at least two referees that can be contacted (all documents should be in pdf format). Applications should be sent to nadhir messai and noureddine manamanni ( univ-reims. fr) before July 10th for a contract starting Oct 1rst. Two Postdoctoral Positions in Large-Scale and Distributed Control and Dynamical Networks. Contact: Prof. Nader Motee (moteelehigh. edu ) Interested applicants are encouraged to apply for our open positions in Distributed Control and Dynamical Systems (DCDS) Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at LehighUniversity. There are several open Postdoctoral positions for Summer 2016, Fall 2016, and Spring 2017. For more information about our group and current research activities, please visit our website at Candidates with strong background in probability theory, stochastic dynamical systems, and graph theory are highly encouraged to apply. Candidate with strong Control Systems background as well as AppliedPure Mathematical background are highly encouraged to apply. Lehigh is a premier residential research university, ranked in the top tier of national research universities each year. We are a coeducational, nondenominational, private university that offers a distinct academic environment of undergraduate and graduate students from across the globe. Located in Pennsylvania39s scenic Lehigh Valley, the campus is in close proximity to both New York City and Philadelphia. Lehigh is comprised of 2,358 acres, making it one of the largest private universities in the country. Interested applicants may contact Prof. Nader Motee (moteelehigh. edu ) with the following information: (1) one-page research statement explaining how your background fits our current research group, (2) detailed CV and list of publications, (3) copies of one or two publications. All documents should be in PDF format. Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford Grade 7: Salary in the range pound30,738 - pound37,768 p. a. We seek a Postdoctoral Research Assistant to join the Control Engineering group in Engineering Science (central Oxford). The position is funded by EPSRC and is fixed-term for up to 36 months. This post is at the interface of Synthetic Biology and Control Engineering. You should have a good first degree in engineering or mathematics and have completed or about to complete a doctorate in control engineeringdynamical systems or mathematical biology. A good publication record commensurate with your stage of career is expected. You must have the organisational skills and initiative to carry out independent research and be able to work as part of an interdisciplinary team. Experience of developing mathematical algorithms and simulations, in modelling biological systems and in the analysis and design of feedback control systems is essential. The successful candidate will benefit from an international collaboration with MIT, ETHZ, the Caltech and KAIST as well as Microsoft Research, Cambridge and will become part of the growing and flourishing Synthetic Biology community in Oxford. The work will be partly mathematical, partly computational and will involve close interaction with researchers in the biological sciences. Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Antonis Papachristodoulou (email: antoniseng. ox. ac. uk ). Further information can be found at eng. ox. ac. ukjobshome You will be required to upload a covering lettersupporting statement, including a brief statement of research interests (describing how past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application. Only applications received before 12.00 midday on 8 July 2016 can be considered. The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology. We are seeking a postdoctoral research fellow to join our multidisciplinary research group, based in the Laboratory for Dynamics and Control of Nanosystems at UT-Dallas. The applicants are expected to have a PhD in a relevant area (or be close to completion), have a strong analytical background and be familiar with advanced control system design techniques. Familiarity with analog electronics design and rapid prototyping systems is a major plus. Familiarity with scanning probe techniques is highly valued. To be considered, the applicants should send their CVs including a list of publications and names and addresses of three referees to D. Reza Moheimani (contact email: Reza. Moheimaniutdallas. edu ). 2 PostDocs: KTH, Sweden The Department of Automatic Control at KTH has two open postdoc positions, expected to take the lead in the development of smart feed designs for biopharmaceutical production and Economic MPC for paper manufacturing. A strong background in process control andor system identification is required, with experience from bioprocesses considered a bonus. The work will be carried out in close collaboration with our industrial partners ABB Process Automation, ABB Corporate Research, BillerudKorsnaumls, GE Healthcare and Cobra Biologics. The positions are initially for one year, but can be extended to two years. For further information contact Prof. Haringkan Hjalmarsson (hakan. hjalmarssonee. kth. se ) or Prof. Elling Jacobsen (Jacobsenkth. se ). The Institute of Automation and Industrial Informatics of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) welcomes applications for a Post-doctoral position on control of large wind power plants for the integration in HVDC grids. The successful candidate will carry out hisher research work within the largest European H2020 research project on Energy. The duties of the appointed candidate will consist on the development, detailed analysis and validation of control strategies for wind turbines and HVDC converters when connected to HVDC grids by means of Diode Rectifier HVDC stations. Interested candidates with a demonstrated track record in control of HVDC systems, wind power plants, power electronic converters andor power systems should send a short resume, along with references to relevant publications, to r. blascoieee. org Your Profile Hold a Ph. D. degree in Control, Power Electronics or Power Systems, with expertise in one or more of the aforementioned fields. We offer Full contract for 1 year with the possibility of renewal up to 3 years contingent on performance. Due to schedule constraints, only applications from EU Nationals or EU Permanent Residents will be considered. 4 Professorships in Autonomous Systems andor Software in Sweden Wallenberg Autonomous Systems Program (WASP) is Swedenrsquos largest individual research program ever, and provides a platform for academic research and education, fostering interaction with Swedenrsquos leading technology companies. The program addresses research on autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent systems of systems. Software is the main enabler in autonomous systems, and is an integrated research theme of the program. WASP aims to build a world leading platform for academic research that interacts with leading companies to develop knowledge and competence for the future. WASP will strengthen, expand, and renew the national competence through new strategic recruitments, a challenging research program, a national graduate school, and collaboration with industry. We are now offering four strongly financed Professorships at the coordinating universities Chalmers University of Technology, Linkoumlping University, Lund University, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The positions are not specified to specific topics which means that applications from all research areas of WASP are welcome. The positions include post-doc and graduate student funding, and access to well-financed planned autonomous research arenas. Applications are directed to WASP (wasp-sweden. orgapplication-for-wasp-professorship ) and are further subject to a decision process at the respective university. We look forward to your application For general information on working at the involved universities: Chalmers KTH Linkoumlping University Lund University For further information on the positions, please contact Lars Nielsen, waspprofessorshipwasp-sweden. se. 46 13 28 11 00. Application deadline: September 30th, 2016, 23:59 CEST University of Groningen Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen Tenure Track position in Optimization and Control Organisation Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher education offering high-quality teaching and research. Balanced study and career paths in a wide variety of disciplines encourage currently more than 30,000 students and researchers to develop their own individual talents. Belonging to the best research universities in Europe and the top 100 universities in the world (see our ranking: rug. nlabout-uswhere-do-we-standrankings ), the University of Groningen is truly an international place of knowledge. Job description The successful candidate is expected to develop research in areas at the intersection of optimization and dynamical control systems. These areas include but are not limited to differential games, distributed optimization, optimization and control of network systems, optimal control. Other areas might be considered as well in cases of applications by exceptional applicants. Examples of application areas where the candidate should be willing to work include smart cities, transportation systems, flow networks, energy systems, supply chain networks, optimal actuatorsensor placement. The candidate will be embedded in the SMS-Cyberphysical System group in which research in cyberphysical systems, dynamical networks, nonlinear systems, hybrid and switched control is conducted, with applications ranging from smart grids, to data centers, water and heat networks, as well as adaptive optics Qualifications Candidates have: - a Ph. D. degree in relevant areas such as electrical engineering, systems and control, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, operations research - two or more years of experience in a post-doctoral capacity or experience at another educational institution by the time the candidate is hired for the position - excellent research qualities, as evidenced by a publication record in international peer-reviewed journals and renowned conferences, and a relevant international network - research, teaching and organizational experience appropriate to career stage - a working knowledge of the English language - evidence of experience in proposal writing or successful acquisition of external funding appropriate to career stage Candidates are: - team players with good communications skills - willing to fulfill the requirements for the University Teaching Qualification - willing to learn the Dutch language. Conditions of employment The appointment will be initially for a maximum of 6 years at the level of tenure track assistant professor with a gross monthly salary dependent on qualifications and work experience from euro3,259 up to a maximum of euro5,070 (CAO-NU salary scales 11 or 12) gross per month for a full-time position. After 5 years there will be an assessment of performance based on established criteria. If the outcome of the assessment is positive, the assistant professor will be promoted to associate professor with tenure. There will be another assessment at the end of a further 4-7 - year period for the promotion to full professor. In addition to the primary salary the University offers 8 holiday allowance and an end-of-year bonus of 8,3. The University of Groningen provides career services for partners of new faculty members moving to Groningen. The University of Groningen has adopted an active policy to increase the number of female scientists across all disciplines of the university. Therefore, female candidates are especially encouraged to apply. Applications Interested candidates are invited to submit a complete application including: - A letter of motivation - A Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications - A list of five self selected lsquobest papersrsquo - A statement about teaching goals and experience and a description of scientific interest and plans - The names of three references complete with title and contact information. You may apply for this position by sending an email to secsmsrug. nl with all the required documents attached. Deadline 31 August 2016. Information For information you can contact: Prof. C. De Persis, c. de. persisrug. nl (please do not use for applications) The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, ntnu. edu ) is establishing the worldrsquos first professorship in Big Data Cybernetics in collaboration with KONGSBERG (kongsberg ), combining the fields of automatic control and multivariate data modelling. For the successful applicant, this represents a unique opportunity to play a central role in the development of a new interdisciplinary field. The position will be affiliated with the Department of Engineering Cybernetics (Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk - ITK, ntnu. eduitk ) at NTNUrsquos Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics and Electrical Engineering ITK has 17 full-time professors, 11 adjunct professors, about 10 postdocs and researchers as well as 70 PhD candidates. Approximately 100 MSc candidates graduate annually from the three study programs in cybernetics, which comprise about 650 students in total. The department is involved in numerous research projects and centers, including the Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (NTNU AMOS, ntnu. eduamos ). The new field Big Data Cybernetics is envisioned to combine methods from automatic control and multivariate data modelling in order to discover systematic structures in the spatial, temporal and property-profile domains, and to convert these structures into quantitative, human-interpretable information. The main goal is to translate quotbig dataquot from a large number of sensor channels into quotsmart dataquot represented by a combination of theory-driven and data-driven models, by combining sciencersquos prior knowledge with naturersquos unexpected patterns to identify the relevant structures and develop interpretable and useful models. The overlap between cybernetic subspace identification and chemometric partial-least-squares regression could for instance be a fruitful common ground for the desired high-dimensional, spatio-temporal modelling. The outputs from such models shall be intuitively understandable by humans, who then can use their background knowledge and creativity for further refinement and development. This means that black-box modelling, such as e. g. artificial neural networks or support vector machines, are not the focus of Big Data Cybernetics. The applicantsrsquo methodological basis should include theory and tools for describing scientific knowledge in terms of both first-principles mathematical models as well as unexpected cluster and subspace structures in large data sets. It is required to document solid competence in at least one of the two fields of automatic control and multivariate data modelling, and the applicant must demonstrate a strong interest in merging these two fields. Knowledge in system identification, nonlinear dynamics, feedback control and self-organization, signal processing, image analysis, visualization or machine learning is an advantage. Thus, several different scientific backgrounds are relevant for this new interdisciplinary field. The candidate will join a research community at ITK which was rated quotexcellent from an international perspectivequot in the Norwegian Research Councilrsquos evaluation of 53 ICT communities in Norway in 2012, as one of three ICT communities to receive such a rating in the Norwegian university and college sector. END OF E-LETTER 334Data Science Certification About the Data Science Certification Program Is this program right for me The data science certification program is for those who want to develop the advanced knowledge and skills necessary to work as a data scientist. It is best suited for those with a strong background in applied mathematics. A masters degree or higher in a quantitative or technical field is recommended, but not required. Prerequisites To enroll in the program, you need at least six months of programming experience in SAS or another programming language. If youre just getting started or need to brush up on your SAS programming skills, the SAS Programming for Data Science Fast Track will give you a good foundation. We also recommend that you have at least six months of experience using mathematics andor statistics in a business environment. You can get started with the Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression or Logistic Regression course, which is available as an instructor-led or free online e-learning course. The experiences Ive had, the things Ive been able to learn, the opportunities for my future, it just seems like skys the limit. Clayton Russell SAS Academy for Data Science Graduate Topics Covered The data science certification program comprises the focus areas of both the SAS Certified Big Data Professional and the SAS Certified Advanced Analytics Professional programs, including: Critical SAS programming skills. Accessing, transforming and manipulating data. Improving data quality for reporting and analytics. Fundamentals of statistics and analytics. Working with Hadoop, Hive, Pig and SAS. Exploring and visualizing data. Essential communication skills. Machine learning and predictive modeling techniques. How to apply these techniques to distributed and in-memory big data sets. Pattern detection. Experimentation in business. Optimization techniques. Time series forecasting. SAS software covered Base SAS DataFlux Data Management Server DataFlux Data Management Studio SAS Enterprise Guide SAS Enterprise Miner SASETS SAS High-Performance Data Mining SAS In-Memory Statistics SASOR SASSTAT SAS Studio SAS Text Miner SAS Visual Analytics SAS Visual Statistics SAS tools for integrating with open source In this course, youll learn how to use SAS Visual Analytics Explorer to explore in-memory tables from the SAS LASR Analytic Server and perform advanced data analyses. Topics Covered Finding previously unknown relationships and spotting trends in your data. Visualizing data using charts, plots and tables. Using the autocharting function to visualize data in the best possible way. Using advanced graphs, such as network diagrams, Sankey diagrams and word clouds. Easily adding analytics to your graphs, and including descriptions of the analytics results. Navigating through your data using on-the-fly hierarchies. Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression and Logistic Regression This introductory SASSTAT course focuses on t-tests, ANOVA and linear regression, and includes a brief introduction to logistic regression. Topics Covered Generating descriptive statistics and exploring data with graphs. Performing analysis of variance and applying multiple comparison techniques. Performing linear regression and assessing the assumptions. Using regression model selection techniques to aid in the choice of predictor variables in multiple regression. Using diagnostic statistics to assess statistical assumptions and identify potential outliers in multiple regression. Using chi-square statistics to detect associations among categorical variables. Fitting a multiple logistic regression model. Scoring new data using developed models. Preparing Data for Analysis and Reporting In this course, youll learn how to perform data management tasks, such as improving data quality, entity resolution and data monitoring. Topics Covered Creating and reviewing data explorations. Creating and reviewing data profiles. Creating data jobs for data improvement. Establishing monitoring aspects for your data. Understanding the QKB components. Using the component editors. Understanding various definition types. Building a new data type (optional). This course teaches you how to use SAS programming methods to read, write and manipulate Hadoop data. Youll learn how to use Base SAS methods to read and write raw data with the DATA step, manage the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and execute MapReduce and Pig code from SAS via the HADOOP procedure. Youll also learn how to use SASACCESS Interface to Hadoop methods that allow LIBNAME access and SQL pass-through techniques to read and write Hive or Impala table structures. Topics Covered Accessing Hadoop distributions using the LIBNAME statement and the SQL pass-through facility. Creating and using SQL procedure pass-through queries. Using options and efficiency techniques for optimizing data access performance. Joining data using the SQL procedure and the DATA step. Reading and writing Hadoop files with the FILENAME statement. Executing and using Hadoop commands with PROC HADOOP. Using Base SAS procedures with Hadoop. DS2 Programming Essentials With Hadoop This course focuses on DS2, a fourth-generation SAS proprietary language for advanced data manipulation, which enables parallel processing and storage of large data with reusable methods and packages. Topics Covered Identifying the similarities and differences between the SAS DATA step and the DS2 DATA step. Converting a Base SAS DATA step to DS2. Creating DS2 variable declarations, expressions and methods for data conversion, manipulation and conditional processing. Creating user-defined and predefined packages to store, share and execute DS2 methods. Creating and executing DS2 threads for parallel processing. Using the SAS In-Database Code Accelerator to execute DS2 code outside of a SAS session. Executing DS2 code in the SAS High-Performance Analytics grid using the HPDS2 procedure. Hadoop Data Management With Hive, Pig and SAS In this course, you will use processing methods to prepare structured and unstructured big data for analysis. You will learn to organize the data into structured tabular form using Apache Hive and Apache Pig. You will also learn SAS software technology and techniques that integrate with Hive and Pig, as well as how to extend these open source capabilities by programming with Base SAS and SASACCESS Interface to Hadoop, and with SAS Data Integration Studio. Topics Covered Moving data into the Hadoop ecosystem. Using Hive to design a data warehouse in Hadoop, perform data analysis using the Hive query language (HiveQL) and join data sources. Performing extract, transform and load (ETL). Organizing data in Hadoop by usage. Analyzing unstructured data using Pig. Joining massive data sets using Pig. Using user-defined functions (UDFs). Analyzing big data in Hadoop using Hive and Pig. Using SAS programming to submit Hive and Pig programs that execute in Hadoop, and store results in Hadoop or return results to SAS. Using SAS programming to move data between the SAS server and the HDFS. Constructing SAS Data Integration Studio jobs that integrate with Hive and Pig processes and the HDFS. Getting Started With SAS In-Memory Statistics This course focuses on accessing data on the SAS LASR Analytic Server and performing exploratory analysis and preparation. Topics include starting the server, loading data and manipulating data on the SAS LASR Analytic Server using the IMSTAT procedure. IMSTAT topics include deriving new temporary and permanent tables and columns, calculating summary statistics (e. g. mean, frequency and percentile), and creating filters and joins on in-memory data. Topics Covered Starting up a SAS LASR Analytic Server. Loading tables into memory on the SAS LASR Analytic Server. Processing in-memory tables with PROC LASR and PROC IMSTAT. Accessing data more efficiently via intelligent partitioning. Deriving new temporary and permanent tables and variables. Creating filters and joins on in-memory data. Exporting ODS result tables for client-side graphic development. Producing descriptive statistics including counts, percentiles and means. Creating multidimensional summaries including cross-tabulations and contingency tables. Deriving kernel density estimates using normal functions. This course covers the skills required to assemble analysis flow diagrams using SAS Enterprise Miner for both pattern discovery (segmentation, association and sequence analyses) and predictive modeling (decision trees, regression and neural network models). Topics Covered Defining a SAS Enterprise Miner project and exploring data graphically. Modifying data for better analysis results. Building and understanding predictive models, including decision trees and regression models. Comparing and explaining complex models. Generating and using score code. Applying association and sequence discovery to transaction data. Communicating Technical Findings With a Nontechnical Audience This course teaches you how to design and communicate effective presentations through self-assessment and discussions about presentation organization and the effective use of visual aids. You will receive an individual analysis of your behavioral style, including a description of your strengths and opportunities for improvement, as well as strategies for communicating with others. Topics Covered Diagnosing and assessing different styles of human behavior. Communicating and coping more effectively with different types of people. Using your own strengths and knowledge of others to enhance communication. Delivering information in a concise and well-organized format. Creating a presentation, with the focus on communicating unfamiliar or technical information to a nontechnical audience. Designing presentation materials with clarity and purpose. This course helps you understand and apply two popular artificial neural network algorithms multilayer perceptrons and radial basis functions. Both the theoretical and practical issues of fitting neural networks are covered. Topics Covered Constructing multilayer perceptron and radial basis function neural networks. Constructing custom neural networks using the NEURAL procedure. Choosing an appropriate network architecture and determining the relevant training method. Avoiding overfitting neural networks. Performing autoregressive time series analysis using neural networks. Interpreting neural network models. Predictive Modeling Using Logistic Regression This course explores predictive modeling using SASSTAT software, with an emphasis on the LOGISTIC procedure. Topics Covered Using logistic regression to model an individuals behavior as a function of known inputs. Selecting variables and interactions. Creating effect plots and odds ratio plots using ODS Statistical Graphics. Handling missing data values. Tackling multicollinearity in your predictors. Assessing model performance and comparing models. Recoding categorical variables based on the smooth weight of evidence. Using efficiency techniques for massive data sets. Data Mining Techniques: Predictive Analytics on Big Data This course introduces applications and techniques for assaying and modeling large data. It presents basic and advanced modeling strategies, such as group-by processing for linear models, random forests, generalized linear models and mixture distribution models. You will perform hands-on exploration and analyses using tools such as SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS Visual Statistics and SAS In-Memory Statistics. Topics Covered Using applications designed for big data analyses. Exploring data efficiently. Reducing data dimensionality. Building predictive models using decision trees, regressions, generalized linear models, random forests and support vector machines. Building models that handle multiple targets. Assessing model performance. Implementing models and scoring new predictions. Using SAS to Put Open Source Models Into Production This course introduces the basics for integrating R programming and Python scripts into SAS and SAS Enterprise Miner. Topics are presented in the context of data mining, which includes data exploration, model prototyping, and supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. Topics Covered Calling R packages in SAS. Using Python scripts in SAS. Integrating open source data exploration techniques in SAS. Integrating open source models in SAS Enterprise Miner. Creating production (score) code for R models. In this course, you will learn to use SAS Text Miner to uncover underlying themes or concepts contained in large document collections, automatically group documents into topical clusters, classify documents into predefined categories, and integrate text data with structured data to enrich predictive modeling endeavors. Topics Covered Converting documents stored in standard formats (Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, etc.) into general-purpose HTML or TXT formats. Reading documents from a variety of sources (web pages, flat files, data elements in a relational database, spreadsheet cells, etc.) into SAS tables. Processing textual data for text mining (e. g. correcting misspellings or recoding acronyms and abbreviations). Converting unstructured text-based character data into structured numeric data. Exploring words and phrases in a document collection. Querying document collections using keywords (i. e. identifying documents that include specific words or phrases). Identifying topics or concepts that appear in a document collection. Creating user-influenced topic tables from scratch or by modifying machine-generated topics, or creating concepts using domain knowledge. Using derived topic tables or pre-existing user-influenced topic tables (or both) to enhance information retrieval and document classification. Clustering documents into homogeneous subgroups. Classifying documents into predefined categories. Time Series Modeling Essentials In this course, youll learn the fundamentals of modeling time series data, with a focus on the applied use of the three main model types for analyzing univariate time series: exponential smoothing, autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous variables (ARIMAX), and unobserved components (UCM). Topics Covered Creating time series data. Accommodating trend, as well as seasonal and event-related variation, in time series models. Diagnosing, fitting and interpreting exponential smoothing, ARIMAX and UCM models. Identifying relative strengths and weaknesses of the three model types. Experimentation in Data Science This course explores the essentials of experimentation in data science, why experiments are central to any data science efforts, and how to design efficient and effective experiments. Topics Covered Defining common terminology in designed experiments. Describing the benefits of multifactor experiments. Differentiating between the impact of a model and the impact of the action taken from that model. Fitting incremental response models to evaluate the unique contribution of a marketing message, action, intervention or process change on outcomes. Optimization Concepts for Data Science This course focuses on linear, nonlinear and efficiency optimization concepts. Participants will learn how to formulate optimization problems and how to make their formulations efficient by using index sets and arrays. Course demonstrations include examples of data envelopment analysis and portfolio optimization. The OPTMODEL procedure is used to solve optimization problems that reinforce concepts introduced in the course. Topics Covered Identifying and formulating appropriate approaches to solving various linear and nonlinear optimization problems. Creating optimization models commonly used in industry. Formulating and solving a data envelopment analysis. Solving optimization problems using the OPTMODEL procedure in SAS.

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